The lie which has we to cost the life of sabrinel - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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The lie which has we to cost the life of sabrinel

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2008-11-28, 02:13   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية أبوصبرينال


إحصائية العضو

B10 The lie which has we to cost the life of sabrinel

The lie which has we to cost the life of sabrinel

(Letter to Mister President of the republic

Abdelaziz Bouteflika )

Mister President
Allow me, in my gratitude anticipated for the reading that you will make for my letter, to come to carry in your knowledge the existence of a grave fault, of shameful one blunder, committed in key sector, that some people want to soil, to distort, and eventually destroy him completely. And it, under you mandate.
You gave to this country a robust economy, and people are not afraid of making long routes at neigh. Your presence is required in all the global meeting and the big of this word seek you for you're turned out experience. You restarted construction sites, threw big projects, the advanced of which you watch scrupulously and you get ready to give in Algeria its distinguishing mark of authentic Moslem nation. But, so many granted efforts would be vain if you allowed passing under silence this fault. Sabrinel, of the paradise where she is today, will hold that you were his president and you made nothing so that thousands of Algerian children do not undergo her prize of suffering, before being finished. I do not exaggerate the word.
I am the father of Sabrinel, in the eternally bruised heart, and I am going to say the truth on its death.
Because they killed her, I am going to tell her death which has nothing natural, a death provoked by carelessness, by presumptuousness, almost by charlatanism death that shall never forgive to all those who, closely or by far, have inadvertently. By carelessness, or by simple ignorance, of a way as of the other one, the contributed to abbreviate the life of an angel, my angel, whose beauty was wrapped up in it's should.
I thus return to you, because I have already seized you by several letters and I doubt that we made you acquaint with the only one at least. For my part, am certain that you ignore every thing of this affair; I am convinced all the more as we shall arrange so that you lived in her ignorance. But, let us guarantee that we shall being to put you in the fact of my present, I go away to begin to speak.
I am going to tell at first the fatal process of Sabrinel, without omitting a detail of its therapeutic people who approached her and places where she had to stay.
A bad doctor returns the serious illnesses, sends his patients to the tortures of the condemned person, it is Mansouri, and then infectious department heard at the hospital of Boufarik. He is at the origin of the whole case Sabrinel, an inquiry append by the office of the other of the doctors and loyally carried out will establish its acts and will determine its responsibilities. In that case handbook, he shows itself as the most incompetent specialist, the most awkward practitioner, in the muddled and vague spirit upon which it was advisable that our hospitals abound. He complaint in its illusions of learned professor, absolute authority, the degraded assistant, throwing back and idea which does not relate to his. It is him who sounded Sabrinel in the first one, it is him who made the diagnostic and prescribed first one the first treatment, and it is him who ignored the suspicion, oh who much based ,of the doctor Saighi as for another disease ,graver that simple small infection ,refusing to admit him ,being probably afraid of be surprised in its error .I cannot enumerate here all the fatal stages ,for which the committee looks ,she will find .I assert highly that this specialist in question, answering of the health of my daughter ,being in his service is the first one ,in term of responsibility and which left the horrifying medical error which led my angel to the irrevocable before being finished by its analogues.
The fever and the headaches already persisted for some time when Sabrinel was admitted to the infection service ,also suffering from articular pains .An urine test was made ,spreading at once any microbial infection ;and a simple ant feverish was administered and prescribed ,the child ,the swamped and doleful body , Was sent back at him. No detailed exploration was begun was begun, nor one a priori was put on the stubbornness of this fever. This did not know irregularity always beyond 39°, nor on the headaches, curious symptom for the age of the patient: triple evident error, which shows with which superficial spirit we had treated Sabrinel, because a methodical and reasoned investigation would have demonstrated that he could not involve simple troubles, to stop with Bactrim and with Nifluril. We thus persisted in lowering the fever ,we looked in the infectious ,a germ to be surprised ,hidden in some corner of the body ,to expel him from it .And ;without that I make the effort to repeat here the progress which had lasted fortnight ,the doctor Mansouri returnedTo revise Sabrinel, burned by the fever, tortured by troubles of head, shouting its small painful joints ,for a new external consultation .He demands a blood balance sheet. The result shows brings to deduct an infection .Ah ,and the famous germ shows itself .But ,we tried to understand why did he put so much time to show itself and if it was him the real origin of the evil? We are not there still there .The angel of god has to suffer again five long days and five long nights, her parents to watch over it as we watch over a being whom we saw taking out of his intestines. We see each other powerless.
"God, God begged Sabinal, the pain eating away at theirs fragile bones, cure me, and cure me". In the disease, the children mature faster and eventually speak as the adults. In the sixth day, tired to see her child roaring in the sky, the mom moves him to the hospital and he is readmits in the service. We finally, decided to hospitalize the child, it is a good thing. But, why to the infectious service? All the made balance sheets speed the risk of infection. Did we want to inoculate her a virus, a germ to relieve its not been mistaken?
The doctor Saighi, an assistant of the professor, intervenes. When we return at the hospital, allocated to a service, we cross many doctors, and it is a very good thing. Another blood balance sheet is commanded. We ask questions .A first suspicion falls at the end. God that we waited for him , this suspicion !It was necessary to wait for 17 of May .After reading of the blood balance sheet, Saighi decides to send the child ,as a matter of urgency, in the service of haematology of Frantz Fanon ,to Blida for a modulogramme (test of the marrow).I believe that the doctor prefigured what was going to take my child .She drafted a letter of recommendation and went out in leave .We were then Thursday ,19;Mansouri saw again my daughter ,acquainted with the intentions of its assistant and apposed to the evacuation ,under deceptive reason that the child was traumatized by the white blouses and that he had to rest at first.
God! This first stage! It is a hell for us her parents, a night mare for whom would know her in its slightest details! The professor Mansouri takes back the patients the internal in his service .He persuades the parents; convinces them, says to them that he knows the evil from which their daughter suffers. In front of Sabinal who melted, and in the presence of the astounded he fights temple, with his index and says:" The disease of Sabrinel, I have it in the head; it is the disease of Still".
I admit I never have ,of my life ;heard about a disease which carries this name .But ,I faced the evidence .Not being a doctor .By going out of the hospital ,I went up to the closet cyber .It was to inform me about this disease ,with which the last word still ,resounded in my dead as the violent knocks of a hammer .By crossing several web sites dealing with the disease of Still, both child and at the adult I held a passage ,repeated a lot of time:
To eliminate many diseases, to make a great deal of blood tests, not neglecting the slightest aspect, and especially to make work of experience and excellent vision, the professor, him, quickly has ends in the disease of Still. What is this intuition and which is this experience who allowed him to arrive there so not enough time and with so few clinical examinations? I joined, for confirmation of my statements, the following passages" No sign allows to certify the disease ", " to Eliminate diagnostic differential is one of the most important stages when the disease of Still is evoked, given the absence of clinical or biological sign capable of certifying it ", " The diseases to be eliminated, corresponding in diagnostic differential are: (among others) neoplastic diseases, such as lymphomas or certain cancers "," This stage of elimination can sometimes seem long, because several examinations are generally necessary; this period can seem abnormally long, especially since the symptoms of the disease are important, (…)But, it is some indispensable time (…) To avoid the therapeutic errors ".But somewhere else, we read this: "the disease of Still can be confused with several diseases in the similar symptoms. The main diseases to be eliminated to confirm the diagnostic of the disease of Still are:Certain cancers as lymphomas and the leukaemia "; finally, " Besides, the blood profile can allow to identify the cancerous blood diseases, but a biopsy of the marrow or the ganglion is sometimes necessary ".
Nothing of that kind was begun, not even envisaged. He hurries only to put Sabrinel under serum where we diluted an ant feverish, one of the strongest, with Aspégic, 100 mg by kilo, in regular interval of four hours. From the first dose, the unfortunate tears away hair bangs the head against the wall, roars with pain. And the instruction was so given, as in barracks, by Aspégic, in spite of this side effect torturing, all this based on a single symptom of the lightest, these articular pains, which is not only an indication giving strongly to ambiguity, are also the most spread signs, of this fact he shows itself without big symptomatic values If I insist on this point, it is that the blunder is there, which is going to commit the crime, bitter and the cold contempt of the patient of which our hospitals are sick. I would like to show how the medical fault was able to be committed, how it is caused by the presumptuousness of the professor Mansouri, how the doctor Rabehi was able to be allowed take there, engage his responsibility in this fault, contrary to the doctor Saighi who believed to have to pass besides diagnostic established, it diagnoses which carried in him many gaps .I shall thus see in the first one only of the carelessness, and in the second of the intelligence. I forgive the first one, because I understand that he gave in front of the authority of an inflexible superior. He was pulled in the silly thing indeed in spite of him.
But Mansouri who returns in scene, requiring a respect absolved in its order: continue to administer of Aspégic, by increasing the dose if necessary. Sabrinel would have opened the forehead, to shout as one burned, up to the paroxysm of the pain, that we would not break the strict application of the measure. The mom is thunderstruck, she shouts in the terrible of what arrived at her child, of this child's torture in all its horror. And naturally the doctor remains insensible. Never, it was given to the mom to live a punishment so severe. She will call up to the help, to the rescue of her daughter who convulsed. But we persisted in his her, attitude, safe of his treatment. Is it thus true, unspeakable syndromes, dangerous disorders, capable of making martyr suffer, after who we look with Aspégic?

No! There is behind it only the charlatanesque and obstinate imagination of the professor Mansouri. He persisted to hide his confusion, his distraction, a so enormous blunder which would have been able to open him eyes, if its conceit and its caporalisme had not covered them with scales. And it is enough, to assure it you, to follow attentively the therapeutics chosen by the doctor.
God! The nonsense of it diagnoses! That one experimented was able to be so mistaken, denotes the superficiality of its efforts .And remembers to me the credit note to say to him in the city. Doctors, deserving of this title, would acquaint with it, that they would beat themselves the head of bewilderment and would shout in the ineptitude of their colleague, by thinking in of atrocious suffering that bore the small angel of Sabrinel, three-year-old hardly.Mansouri admits in his service a child, instead of thinking of directing him to a specialized service, the paediatrics: error. He does not take into account in the opinion of his assistant Saighi: error. No clinical sign read on Sabinal certifies the disease of Still: error. To eliminate diagnostic differential is one of the most important stages, to push aside every risk of confusion, notably with the neoplastic diseases.This stage is very long, because several examinations are necessary. No serious examination was made in this sense and Mansouri fast drew its conclusion: error. The sick body of the patient reacts very badly to the treatment. Mansouri does not become confused, persists and signs:Error. The sick body of the patient reacts very badly to the treatment. Mansouri does not become confused, persists and signs: supreme error. And the risky deduction and the assertions divested of formal proofs and credibility! We had spoken to us about the existence of an inflammation: analyses revealed only every girl, who did not establish real danger. And we learnt that the assistants did not agree with the advanced pathology; they asked even questions on the inopportuneness of Sabrinel in the service, which the doctor Saighi continued to be disdained, because his idea asserted itself from day to day. And you should not neglect, besides, that the mom saw itself royally unknown, abandoned in her sad fate, not knowing to whom to dedicate itself, Mansouri, whose violent lightning nobody wished to undergo, appearing at the service that every three days.
Ah God of the worlds, it was damned soul's torture, in a concert of hell where we leave any hope. From then on, I had only my eyes to cry my child beside for whom the white blouses passed and went back pointlessly, and I shall remember it: the department head wanted the disease of Still, decreed it, and he allows person to doubt it one second. I dispute it, this affection; although, I repeat it, I am not a doctor; I disputed it from the first day. Yes, there were accesses of fever! Yes, there were these articular aigues pains! But, there was no skin rash during the peaks of fever!Highly important sign or diagnostic advanced would have no foundation. No, no! It is a grave fault; and it is dramatic and tragic all the more as he persisted hard but that no member of the service was able to convince him of its distraction.
When Saighi returned of its leave, on June 09th, 2006, is 21 days later, she was amazed to find Sabrinel in a pitiful state, much worse than that where she had left her; she was all the more surprised finding her in the same service. She took on the field the resolution to evacuate her as a matter of urgency, aboard an ambulance of the hospital, right towards Frantz Fanon, for a médulogram. Since, I no more had wind of some protest of Mansouri.
Here we are, Mister President, the first stage in his slightest facts, stage which details himexplain how a so grave medical error was able to be committed. From there, nothing more could catch.And the hard moral tests, the physical sufferings, martyr of Sabrinel, its continual shout of pain, make of her and us, her parents, the victims resigned, subjected to the arbitrary power of the professor Mansouri, the hospitable environment where we met ourselves, of the disorder of the professionals, which characterize our hospitals.
We so arrive at the second Calvary as Sabrinel had to live. Six months are crossed, many faults, clumsiness marked our consciousnesses, bruised our heart, with grave neglects in the business ethics, with unforgivable misdemeanours, with inadmissible rudeness of tone, an overflowing of squalid insults in the virtue, these thousand unworthiness that we had to support , had eventually finished our expectations, to kill our child and dishonour our hospitals.
I am not going to reproduce in this second stage the progress of the first one, nor to tell the facts in their detail. I shall risk to annoy you by likely redundancy and to annoy the reader.Because to Béni Messous, where my child was allowed in the service of oncology of the professor Khiari, thanks to the intervention of a friend of the university, there were without graver things. On the basis of the result of the médulogramme, made twice for confirmation, Sabrinel is declared leukaemic child, presenting an aigue myéloblastique leukaemia with osseous demonstrations, associated with a splénomégalie, reached alterable and signs of incapacity severe médulaire.Ah Lord! How I had to hate Mansouri this day, when I learnt the real evil of my daughter! How the poor had to bear! The famous disease of Still was, finally, only the fruit of an extraordinary imagination. And it is considering this grave disease that the doctor Khiari allocates to Sabrinel his best resident, the doctor Boukroucha. Her duty was to assist particularly the child who went very badly. She subjected Sabrinel to a blood test, which reveals a haemoglobin and plaques at the lowest of their level, where from the urgency of a blood drip. At this moment, appears the first deficiency: the bank did not contain a drop of blood.It was necessary to incite all the members of my family, those of my beautiful family and friends to find there. From then on, I began to feed justifiable doubts and I asked to speak to the department head, to which I subjected my anxieties. Which was my enjoyment to hear him so, to advance absolute certainties? He had the deep conviction of a doctor enjoying a major power on Lam7:"Do not worry, mister Mesdour, he assured me, here, we have the means to eradicate this evil ". God of the sky! Is it the certainty that they hold the truth which returns our so cruel doctors? In front of so much insurance, the doubt invades me, and the distress began to work me. As father, I owed carry out the duty until my limits humanely accepted. I decided then to exceed the threshold of the propriety and the humility. I addressed again the professor Khiari. I insisted with him, in the name of God and of his humanity, appropriate for the professor. I begged him even, telling him to hold out me the hand to evacuate Sabrinel towards the foreigner, arresting the terrible drama which announced, and which was going to beat down, when the disease will have triumphed over them. It was horrifying the ******** which held me the professor Khiari:"You will not benefit from the coverage even if you gained all Algeria at your cause; furthermore, I shall not sign the demand to be presented to the national committee… I made him for a member of my family, once, and the committee rejected my demand ".
The doctor Bouterfes, an assistant of the service, begins immediately the first cure without informing anybody. She did not thus subject to her superior in the hierarchy, the professor Khiari, the chemical protocol which was going to be applied. This last one, apparently not satisfied, muttered at its address some lively words, words which turned out, afterward, justified well themselves.This first cure lasted of 18/06 in 24/06, and what it is necessary to assert very high, it is that the doctor Bouterfes prepared only the therapeutic protocol; it is that this protocol was deliberately badly elaborated and badly elaborated. A reading of the report by specialized doctors had revealed this grave abnormality.This first therapeutic protocol in question, called phase of induction, on which depended all the success of the therapy, and thus the forgiveness of the evil, mentioned from J1 a drug which must not be administered. Daunorubicine: 10mg / m2 or 5.7 mg. It is even mentioned, in the same report, as this drug was applied to the place of Metoxontrone, more suited, for lack of this one.When we explained me the consequences which ensued from it, it made me such a sudden chill, as I remained a quite weak quarter of an hour, without being able to put back me. Because the replacement of *****alents pulled inexorably the condemnation of Sabrinel; and it was what Bouterfes had just signed.
We had to, my wife and I, live a moment of terrible fear. Bouterfes had all the latitudes not to soil her doctor's reputation; she could have the honesty to say the truth on the shortage of Métoxontrone. She did not dare, in the agony doubtless of the shame, certainly also in the terror to see undergoing the torments of the humiliation which follows a fault which, at this moment, was not nevertheless hers:The shortage. However, I like believing that it was only there the haste to put the patient under treatment and that she judged to be that a permutation without grave repercussion. But, when the protocol was analyzed by the other colleagues, the national and the foreigners, it was clear, she made responsible for a medical error, she had compromised by choosing to act only, and she was thus guilty of a crime in the same way as the others.For me, she is her more than the others; because she could say the missing product, we would have managed to find him as we always acted to feed our child with blood; now, she made nothing. I dare to hope, that after that, the doctor will understand, and rightly, that there is no drug which can supply the other one, especially and especially, in the case of a cancer of the nastiest than that of my daughter. Act only, by being member of a medical team, working in and for the same service, is, unquestionably, the defect, the vice which enters the composition of our medical profession.
It was, later, the so incorrect ******** that the doctor Boukhellal, another assistant of the service, also liked my wife, during a general consultation, preceding the third consolidation. At first she made her understand that this third cure was completely useless, that both first ones had given no interesting result; it meant that Sabrinel, who vomited some blood at this moment, was a desperate case, even incurable. Moreover, the doctor did not delay growing in the expression, in strong and clear voice, in the big sound room, in front of all the moms eaten away by fear and the children who had returned and listened to him, the big eyes full of a worried pity. Sabrinel, whom this speech addressed in particular, listened to, her too, with grown-up's gravity.
_ Listen to, says Boukhellal, looking at my wife, I do not agree with this third consolidation; I see it useless, because the previous ones made no effect and this one would only be, more, the child tiring. Believe in me, she started again, bring in at you, take your daughter, feed her suitably, let her play with her brother, look her some morphine as much as one needs. I add you that it is completely inutileto envisage her, movement abroad. Whether it is in France or in the United States, we shall not make better for her, the cure recovers from the domain of the impossible. And then, madam, you are young, you are still capable of giving birth …
It was a stream and ebb of comment to dull most hardly brains. My wife brought back me the words with a so painful accent as I had the torn heart of it. No! I persist and sign, the crime was committed, and the service of oncology of Beni Messous could not hide it any more.
It was necessary to use support so that Bouterfes deigns to proceed to the third consolidation. And Sabrinel was sent at home later, when she amazed her circle of acquaintances by standing, by walking without catching things; for the first time since indeed for a long time, she agreed to feed. At the hospital Mustapha, at the Center Pierre and Marie Curie, where she was moved for a new examination, the professor Saïdi revealed us, by basing himself on the profits of the médulogramme, where the marrow did not show blastiques cells. We could not speak about forgiveness, but, it quite took place there to believe that we arrived there. It is the proof that the third consolidation had really made of the effect, the good effect. Only, there are efforts which we do not want to supply.
In Paris, Sabrinel appeared at the St Louis hospital, and it to undergo more detailed examinations there. We took advantage of period granted between both cures, fortnight, to take her in France. We wanted to ask about another opinion, to see the other doctors. In the reading of the voluminous medical file, the professor Baruchel denounced at once the cure of induction as the real cause native of the fault, as the doctor Bouterfes had replaced Mitoxantrone by Daunorubicine. This replacement not only put in check the whole treatment, but made ineffective any therapeutic revision. It was the collapse of all our expectations. Really, it was necessary to elaborate the phase of induction on the model of the third consolidation which, that one had given an excellent profit. Soon the fevers resumed Sabrinel and we had to evacuate her as a matter of urgency, one evening, on the hospital Necker. Blood tests revealed strong one gone back up by blastiques cells, at the 24 % rate. From then on, the despair of the situation did not have more than a palliative remedy, Bouterfes having exhausted every all the expedients.
Of return in Algeria, the health of Sabrinel largely deteriorated. Her, osseous pains start again, very lively; the face goes pale and its body languishes at sight of eye. She managed not to be able to any more walk. To Béni Messous, when we taught her that we come back from France, the doctor Boukhellal showed openly his displeasure. A clear disdain was read on the face. Then, she *******ed with following literally the recommendations of Baruchel in her palliative treatment. And in spite of her pitiful health, and our pleas, she refused to hospitalize Sabinal; it would seem what is more she gave directives in this sense. We broke her, advice, we tried to look after our child somewhere else, and it is what you should not make. Then, it is the doctor Bouterfes who took over, by drafting a letter of recommendation, to put back in the service of pediatrics, of the hospital of Boufarik .This day, by taking the letter,I had the feeling that we tried to expel us, my daughter, my wife and I. We had seen each other such of the unwanted in foreign earth.
We asked what were the motives for our orientation on the hospital of Boufarik. We explained us that it was to avoid the efforts of movement to Sabrinel, in case of severe aplasie.But, an evening when the child went very badly, the doctor Rahmoune, the department head paediatrics of Boufarik called Béni Messous for an urgent hospitalization. Bouterfes refused to reach the demand for the pointless motive that there was no available bed. And it is there that we learnt the real idea which brewed behind the reorientation. Because, at the bottom, to reorientate Sabrinel was only vulgar one machination intended to take away her from Béni Messous, as long as it was alive. O Saints Justus, which horrible ulterior motive, which Machiavellian intention crushes my heart.We were ready to supply her so much drug as she wanted, but it was not necessary question to re-admit her in the service so that she does not die there, so that she is not to concern "dead patient" the register of the service. But, Big God why?In what precise purpose ? Give us a valid ground, maids' people! Is it because there is a heap of papers to be presented before being able to remove the body? And indeed not!The attractive of the story is that the good souls of the service of oncology of the hospital of Béni Messous are anxious to advance balance sheets with statistics to the support for all the held seminaries. These people boast to maintain to their service a statistics rationally accepted of the deaths. Yes, we hurry to admit a new patient, but we show just as much haste to hunt him in its last hours, if it turned out incurable. Yes, we have to deal with mean beings, doctors swamped with errors and with crimes the exploit of which we praise, whereas we undermine the life of innocent children!We have to deal with tracassiers, which put the guile in the place of the knowledge, which set traps to the patient and to his parents, both occupied by the disease, and which cannot notice it, and quite determined to take them in fault, as it is my case, and that of several others, to make them fast carry the charge. Raghda, Rahma, Oussama, Yasser! All these angels were taken care, dedicated to the death by the same empiricists, further to the same errors and fast took away from the service not to be counted. Ah! Mister President, when doctors arrive there, it is that our system of health is in the depths of the decay.
To Boufarik, Sabinal went out inexorably, and we could guess how. At the hospital, where she was admitted in the service of pediatrics, the small angel continued to undergo the inaccuracy of the doctors, the other doctors, and their ill-treatment. An evening, when she palisade visibly , where her hemoglobin was 6.5, my wife, taken by a big panic terror, begged for a transfusion. And it is there that Zorroro appeared. Irrefutable testimonies, except those of my wife, whom I did not want to take into account at first, described her as miserable doctor, whose cruelty found its satisfaction in the suffering of the others. At once, and in spite of the note of the department head, in which this last one had clarified the threshold of alert, she refused the transfusion with the brutality of a henchman, deducing that the child did not need it.
_ Mom! Mom does not cry! Repeated Sabrinel, without strength, I know that I make you pity! Ant does not want to make me some blood.
And it was necessary the intervention of the doctor Rahmoune, the unique practitioner to spread from the lot of the miserable, so that Zorroro complies. Fortnight, later, another evening, Sabrinel being at the very worst, a brain hemorrhage, Zorroro refuses to proceed to a transfusion to make go back up plaques.What did she advance as argument, for this time? The child did not need it, or at least, more need, because he was dying; worse still, she goes as far as ' advising the mom not to tempt any act of rescue, than it was well better to leave her went away finally, for the good of this one, for her rest. In front of my daughter who convulsed, brought down by a brain hemorrhage, in the arms of her mother brought down by pain, she amazed her world by the violence of her comments and the cheek of her attitude.
_ Why do you cry? She says to my wife. Leave her (speaking about my daughter who died), resign yourself to the will of the Lord! She is dying, she is going to die, you see well, there is nothing more to make!
The mom cried, spreading in groans and in prayers; and in her sobs, she begged in vain that we help her, that we deign to go back up the plaques of her child who got lost all her blood.Then, suddenly, Zorroro adopts a new behavior, surprising the service by its volt face. It is because an order had been made for her, she had received a phone call summoning her to proceed to the drip.I may not refrain from seeing a monster there by recognizing the characteristics of a very cruel person, showing wickedness, an inhuman perversion. Her, certainty, Sabrinel in the agony of the death, it would have wanted to defend her.Her reversal, that I attribute by no means to a jolt of kindness, is nothing other one than this moral disposal appropriate for the body, of this ease of haste to be concluded, so tragic, which is mistaken the duty to give in to the requests of a colleague.
_ Listen to, she said by the telephone, I am going to make it, but it is only to please the mom!
Four days later, one after noon of beautiful sun, I left Sabrinel, leaving her at the very worst of her small existence of sick angel. She breathed very badly, her heart and her small lungs worked with difficulty, strongly crushed by a liquid; the same transparent liquid which eventually takes to her of the nose, mixed in some blood.
_ Mom! I love you, mom!
Outside, I lived a grave moment of depression, I was going to split in tears, when I had the idea to call a friend of Mecca. I preferred to send him a message.
_ I beg you by God, my friend, to pray in the door of Kaaba, for my child who, at the moment, suffers martyr.I had not received an answer, which my wife called me, asking me to appear urgemment. When I arrived, my angel had left this world which did not like her, this world full of nasty adults who do not love the children. Her body was still warm; I had no time to kiss her, to say to her goodbye. Before going away, Sabrinel left a message to her mother, who had accompanied her during this tragic journey of the pain.
_ Mom! Do not cry affective mom!
It was February 12th, 2008, in 17.20.
Such is the end of the short life of Sabrinel, a cessation, not by destruction, but by completion. And, at the really, it is always the hospital department which questions, which does not want to recognize its deficiencies, and which the disorder and muddle double from day to day.We wonder all with bewilderment who is the authors of this situation. It is at first, in the own, the deficiency in business ethics of our doctors.It is this absence of morality that is at the origin of the disaster which reigns in our health centers. We abandon gladly a patient at the risk of hideous sufferings, when we judge that he does not have more than some days to live, while somewhere else, the members of the jury of the oath of Hippocrates are imperative a strict follow-up, a resuscitation at all costs, a respect absolved in the life, what is, they say, that to owe to them.. We should think of not letting whoever makes medicine, banish the average of selection of 13.5 or 14 which allows the entry in a science so noble. In my opinion, a psychological aptitude test would be more suited. Higher, a labor syndicate, consisted exclusively of doctors of a turned out irreproachable morality, presently has to be born, to reprimand and even spread those of their members who would make guilty of fault against the business ethics, against the professional righteousness, against the medical honor. One of the grave faults which our doctors commit, by being convinced of his merits, it is the lie. The doctor Khiari guaranteed me that his service enjoyed a perfect control of lam7. Not only, it is nothing, but the much worse still, as many of his colleagues, he held me a shameful ******** in consideration to the corporation which it represents with its title. Then, it is the deficiency in medicine or appropriate drug that brings the practitioners to play *****alences, because they cannot leave an amputated protocol. And the beautiful result of this situation of defect is that the patient, in full cure, ignoring fallout, is going to be the victim, the one who will make the expenses of the macabre experiment and who will see his affection deteriorating. God of the worlds!That He forgives me what I am going to say! When I learnt that we hurried to send back at him a condemned person, besides that the service in itself condemned, forgive me once again, I was not able to refrain from thinking of the Nazis who eliminated all those whom they considered useless in job.
How can we hope to cure what we made itself incurable? I end my letter, which I find myself already long, by saying a word, a word which I want hardly, on these medicines, on these drugs the best before date of which was exceeded, sometimes of month, as it is the case for the serum of Sabinal. And the height, Bouterfes certifies, ô hideous business ethics, that the liquid remains effective and good even three months after its best before date. As it is tried to make win some money to the State By poisoning the patients? Feel sorry for children, God will return him to you!
I shall not speak about the dirt of places. The big concern of the hygiene, this part of the medicine, which processes measures appropriate to keep and to improve the health. I leave the care to the others, to those same who still said nothing and who certainly are burning to approach things; I leave them the care of evoking for a long time the insalubrity's of places, cockroaches and of all kinds of tiny creatures, which revolve around the patients, Without the strength to sketch the small weak movement to spread them only.
The long progress, marked out by sufferings, by ill-treatment here is thus, which lived my sweet Sabrinel, which is lying today underground, in the cemetery of Bendriss, in Boufarik, murdered by the carelessness and the presumptuousness. Mister President, it is about the truth there the consequences of which I assume and I know that if it happened at my letter to be published, I run the strong risk of seeing me translated in front of the courts. But, I accept it I am ready to face this entire world which I denounced.

Text translates of the French ********
Sabrinel's father

(Load of Courts has the University of Blida)


الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg oloudj 006.jpg‏ (10.7 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 6)

آخر تعديل أبوصبرينال 2008-11-28 في 02:21.
قديم 2008-11-29, 14:08   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية shoushou


إحصائية العضو


ohhhhhhh...what can i say?????
I am unable to speak????...????

قديم 2008-11-30, 23:52   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية tlemceni


إحصائية العضو


and such is life,
am so sorry
ALLAH bless you all

قديم 2008-12-01, 01:35   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية أبوصبرينال


إحصائية العضو


Thank you brother

قديم 2008-12-01, 17:07   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
أم بدر الدين
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية أم بدر الدين


وسام الحفظ وسام الحفظ وسام أحسن موضوع 
إحصائية العضو


I am really soooooooooo sorry
I am speachless i can feel what you are living but MAY ALLAH BE WITH YOU


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cancer, mesdour, sabrinel

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