your own poem - الصفحة 2 - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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المواد الادبية و اللغات كل ما يخص المواد الأدبية و اللغات : اللغة العربية - التربية الإسلامية - التاريخ و الجغرافيا -الفلسفة - اللغة الأمازيغية - اللغة الفرنسية - اللغة الأنجليزية - اللغة الاسبانية - اللغة الألمانية

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آخر المواضيع

your own poem

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2012-02-17, 12:42   رقم المشاركة : 16
معلومات العضو
lilo rok
عضو جديد
إحصائية العضو


[i will start this is just a trail ok so
Oh gentle winds 'neath moonlit skies,
Do not you hear my heartfelt cries?

Below the branches, here about,
Do not you sense my fear and doubt?
Side glistening rivers, sparkling streams,
Do not you hear my woeful screams?

Upon the meadows, touched with dew,
Do not you see my hearts a'skew?
Beneath the thousand twinkling stars,
Do not you feel my jagged scars?

Seek not my mournful heart kind breeze,
For you'll not find it 'mongst these trees.

It's scattered 'cross the moonlit skies,
Accompanied by heartfelt sighs.
It's drifting o're the gentle rain,
A symbol of my silent pain.

It's buried 'neath the meadow fair,
Conjoined with all the sorrow there.
It's lost among the stars this night,
Too far to ease my quiet fright.

No gentle winds, seek not my heart,
For simply ... it has torn apart
Okay , let me get something straight first: So the idea of the topic is to write your OWN poem, right? well I was shocked for the 2nd time today, you just keep on "Copy & Past" people's work without giving credit to them , and say it's your own poem to be admired by other, what a shame. But hey I promise you to bring all the links you stole from and show people the real you, of course I don't want people to say I'm evil , but I'm doing the right thing. So here's the link for this poem you have stolen





رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-02-21, 14:30   رقم المشاركة : 17
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية rahaf11


إحصائية العضو


good jobbbbbbbb

رد مع اقتباس
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