it is part of the noble sanctuary Almasjid Alaksa it was built by Abdel-Malik Bin Maran arround the noble rock ''17.70x13.50 meters located on a raised nave in the center of the courtyard of the sanctuary in the yesr 691 AD
The dome of the rock is one of the most magnificent building in the world due to its engineering ,shape and vanities. The diameter of the internal dome is 29.44 meters and its height is 9.8 meters .The sides of the octagon are 20.60 meters long and 9.5 meters hgh each.
the ornament and vanities were rened and the masjid was restored several times .The third construction y the Hashemites was to get rid of the after effect of the arson to Al-Masjid Al-Akssa and the restoration of the various features in the courtyards of the masjid .The contruction of the dome of the Rock was concluded by clothing the dome with sheets of gillded copper, clothing the hallways ,and installing fire and alarm systems in 1994