جديد الملتقيات الوطنية و الدولية يهتم بالملتقيات الوطنية و الدولية لجميع الإختصاصات، من مواعيد و برامج و شروط المشاركة، و حوصلة للمداخلات... |
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آخر المواضيع |
Second International Conference on Renewable Energy
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
2011-12-27, 08:51 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
Second International Conference on Renewable Energy
****************************************** Second International Conference on Renewable Energy Bejaia, Algeria, 15-16 Avril 2012 Thème1 : Energie solaire thermique Thème2 : Energie solaire thermodynamique Thème3 : Energie solaire photovoltaïque Thème4 : Energie éolienne Thème5 : Autres (biocarburants, pile à combustion, hydrogène, architecture bioclimatique…) Thème6 : Développement des énergies renouvelables : stratégies, grands projets, aspects économiques et environnementaux Thème7 : Stockage, connexion réseau, distribution, réseaux intelligents,…. 15 February 2012 Full Paper Final Submission 15 Mars 2012 Acceptance Notification ************************************************** ******************************* Huitièmes Journées de Mécanique JM’08 organisées par l’Ecole Militaire Polytechnique (EMP) 10/11 2012 Avril Thèmes A. Matériaux et Structures B. Fluides et Énergétique C. Conception et Production D. Mécanismes et Robotique E. Maintenance et Gestion de production Dates importantes Réception des articles : 31/12/2011 Notification d’acceptation provisoire : 15/02/2012 Version finale des papiers : 28/02/ 2012 Décision d’acceptation finale : 15/03/2012 ************************************************** ********************************** ICIEM2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing ICIEM 2012 CONFERENCE SCOPE Bus ines s Proces s Management and Model ing Logi s t ics and Supply Chain Management Project Management Qual i ty and Man agement Engineer ing Impl icat ions of E-Manu fac tur ing, E-Bus ines s , E- Commerce Di screte Event Sys tems Sys tems Model ing and Simulat ion Dependabi l i ty , Moni tor ing , and Supervi s ion Fai lures Diagnos t ic and Pr ognos t ic Robot ics and Mechat ronic s Sys tems Ar t i f ici al Intel l igence in Manu fac tur ing Ar t i f ici al Vi s ion Machine Le arning Flexible Manufact ur ing Sy s tems Sus t ain able Development Methods and Technology in Intel l igent Mainten ance Product ion Sys tems Des ig n, Planning, Schedul ing, Cont rol Compet i t ivenes s and Per formance Analys i s Appl ied Oper at ions Rese arch Deci s ion Suppor t Tool s Human Resources in Prod uct ion Indus t r ial Engineer ing and E-Le arning Evolut ionary comput at ion and swarm intel l igence for Indus t r i al Engineer ing and Manu fact ur ing CAPM in a CIM Envi ronment Including Inter faces to CAD and CAM Informat ion Sys tems for Manu fact ur ing Informat ion Proces s ing and Engineer ing Indus t r ial Au tomat ion Manu fact ur ing Automat ion Product Li fe Cycle Manag ement Technological Innovat ion in Management Other topics of interes t in indus t r i al engineer ing Important deadlines Submission due December 29, 2011 Notification of acceptance February 23, 2012 Final manuscript due March 29, 2012 ****************************************
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