hi how are you I'm doing a survey about the illegal immigration so you -the members of djelfa forum) are my informants
lets start
1) How important is the issue of illegal immigration to you?
A. Very important
B. Somewhat important
C. Not very important
D. Not important at all
2) Where did you obtain most of your information on illegal immigration?
A. National news
B. Local news
C. News papers
D. Friends / family
E. Other
3) Illegal immigration
A. Helps the international economy
B. Hurts the international economy
C. No difference
D. Don’t know/ undecided
4)Are illegal immigrants criminals?
A. Yes
B. No
C. May be
5) Is illegal immigration a
A. A very serious problem
B. A serious problem
C. Not very serious
D. Not serious at all
E. Don’t know/ undecided
6. Do you think that illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend public or private schools? Yes No Maybe
7-If you were president what would be the first thing you would do to curb illegal immigration and improve
national security?