السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
مرحبا بالجميع
لدي مشكلة في طلب بطاقة بايونير أفيلييت
بعد التسجيل ورفع بطاقة الهوية تأتيني هده الرسالة بعد يومين تقريبا
Thank you for your application for a Payoneer account.
In order for us to continue in processing your application, please provide us with the following details related to your online account with the company from which you wish to receive payments:
1-Screenshot of your account’s main page, showing the URL address line and your name/e-mail address
2-Screenshot of your incoming payment history page (you may edit out any sensitive account information)
3-Brief description of the source of your income (who pays you and for what kind of product/service)
4-List of companies from which you wish to receive payments
أرجو الحل
علما أنني قد سجلت عدة مرات ونفس الرسالة