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في حال وجود أي مواضيع أو ردود مُخالفة من قبل الأعضاء، يُرجى الإبلاغ عنها فورًا باستخدام أيقونة ( تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة )، و الموجودة أسفل كل مشاركة .
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2011-05-21, 21:34 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
liste des proverbes...
Nice as pie ... Bon comme le pain… Like father like son.. Tel père. Tel fis Home sweet home.. Rein ne vaut son chez-soi ******************************* A friend in need is a friend indeed… …C’est dans le besoin qu on reconnais ses vrais amis …tomorrow is another day Demain. Il fera jour… Betterlatethannever … …mieux veut tard que jamais Eat. drink and be merry… …bien faire et laisser dire Two’s companythree’s a crowd …a deux c’est de la compagnie. À trois c’est de la foule.
2011-05-26, 17:08 | رقم المشاركة : 2 | |||
Wawe it is very beautiful thanks |
2011-05-26, 18:40 | رقم المشاركة : 3 | |||
Thank you............it is beautiful |
2011-05-27, 10:16 | رقم المشاركة : 4 | |||
hi guys. i hope you all are fine. my real name is hanane. i'm 17 years old. i'm 2year high school and i just got to 3 year. i hope i'll do better next year because i didn't get what i used to this year .i have tried somethings i never thaught that i woud do like having a relation ship or twice . we can say i got punked in the first but i'm in the second one and i really wish that it wouldn't be like the first one . but honestly i'm verry worry and i can't think of the right thing to do .i'm lost. i'm afraid i'm gonna have a shock like the previous time .i have a lot of doughts i can't get out of them. but i really want to move on on this relation ship cause from one side it's a lot of better than the first one . i'm sure it gotta be problemes in it but if it's true it will move on correctly |
2011-05-27, 13:28 | رقم المشاركة : 5 | |||
thank you my freind for your visite |
2013-10-11, 16:38 | رقم المشاركة : 6 | |||
salléém |
2013-10-13, 21:12 | رقم المشاركة : 7 | |||
Peace be upon u SIS .. |
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