Medvedev called the update of the Russian nuclear doctrine "an event that was expected" - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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Medvedev called the update of the Russian nuclear doctrine "an event that was expected"

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قديم 2024-09-25, 22:17   رقم المشاركة : 1
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B11 Medvedev called the update of the Russian nuclear doctrine "an event that was expected"

Medvedev called the update of the Russian nuclear doctrine "an event that was expected"

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev

According to the deputy chairman of the Security Council, such a step could sober up opponents
MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev called the update of the Russian nuclear doctrine "an event that was expected." He wrote about this in the Telegram channel.

What is known about the Russian policy in the field of nuclear deterrence
"The very change in the regulatory conditions for the use of the nuclear component by our country could cool the ardor of those opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation," he wrote. Medvedev emphasized that this is "an event that was expected."

Medvedev supported his position on the need to publicly and clearly indicate the real possibility of a Russian nuclear response with the Latin maxim caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare (Latin: "thunder from heaven convinces of the power of Jupiter"). The quote from one of Horace's odes ****phorically describes a situation when one can guess about someone's strength only after the strike.

The day before, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a Security Council meeting on nuclear deterrence, where he named the main parameters of the updated document.

They include, in particular, expanding the category of states and military alliances in relation to which nuclear deterrence is carried out, as well as supplementing the list of military threats for the neutralization of which it is carried out. In addition, according to the new parameters, aggression from any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation, and a massive launch of strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft and their crossing of the Russian border will be the basis for the use of nuclear weapons. A nuclear strike may also result from aggression against Belarus as an ally of Russia.

So far, the provisions have been prepared at the draft level - the head of state has yet to approve the doctrine for it to come into force.



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