France Willson Thompson Library original - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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France Willson Thompson Library original

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قديم 2010-01-04, 14:36   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي France Willson Thompson Library original

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<LI class="delicious-post delicious-odd">Applied Science & Technology Abstracts 1983-present. Chemistry, energy-related disciplines, engineering, computer technology, data processing, mathematics, physics. Native URL:
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-even">CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics Entire ******* of the print edition of the CRC Handbook. Updated annually.
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-odd">General Science Abstracts 1984-present; abstracts since 1993. Covers anthropology, astronomy, biology, computers, earth sciences, medicine & health, pollution, other topics from leading US & UK science journals. Updated monthly. Native URL:
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-even">National Science Digital Library Education and research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics.
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-odd">NIST Chemistry WebBook Database of chemical properties, searchable by chemical name, formula, CAS no., structure, ion energetics, vibrational & electronic spectra, and molecular weight (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-even"> : for Science - Government Science Portal Gateway to over 50 million pages of authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. government agencies, including research and development results
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-odd">ScienceDirect Chemistry, chemical engineering, clinical medicine, computer science, earth & planetary sciences, economics, engineering, energy & technology, environmental science & technology, life sciences, materials science, mathematics, physics, astronomy.
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-even">Scopus 1823-present. International multidisciplinary indexing & abstracting database for scientific, medical, technical, and social sciences.
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-odd">SpringerLink 1998-present. Behavioral science, biomedical & life sciences, business, economics, chemistry, materials science, computer science, earth/environmental science, engineering, social sciences, law, mathematics, statistics, medicine, physics, astronomy.
<LI class="delicious-post delicious-even">Wiley InterScience 1996-present. Biology, business, chemistry, computer science, earth & resource science, engineering, mathematics, physics, psychology, medicine

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