في حال وجود أي مواضيع أو ردود مُخالفة من قبل الأعضاء، يُرجى الإبلاغ عنها فورًا باستخدام أيقونة ( تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة )، و الموجودة أسفل كل مشاركة .
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do you know where do you put the stress
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
2010-12-23, 10:23 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
do you know where do you put the stress
There are two very simple rules about word stress:
Here are some more, rather complicated, rules that can help you understand where to put the stress. But do not rely on them too much, because there are many exceptions. It is better to try to "feel" the music of the ******** and to add the stress naturally. 1 Stress on first syllableruleexampleMost 2-syllable nounsPRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAbleMost 2-syllable adjectivesPRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy 2 Stress on last syllableruleexampleMost 2-syllable verbsto preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More examples: the words export, import, contract and object can all be nouns or verbs depending on whether the stress is on the first or second syllable.3 Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end) For a few words, native English speakers don't always "agree" on where to put the stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision. Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.ruleexampleWords ending in -icGRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGicWords ending in -sion and -tionteleVIsion, reveLAtion 4 Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end)
ruleexampleWords ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gydeMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogyWords ending in -alCRItical, geoLOGical5 Compound words (words with two parts) ruleexampleFor compound nouns, the stress is on the first partBLACKbird, GREENhouseFor compound adjectives, the stress is on the second partbad-TEMpered, old-FASHionedFor compound verbs, the stress is on the second partto underSTAND, to overFLOW
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