فضاء تنسيقي خاص بمادة الانجليزية . - الصفحة 104 - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

العودة   منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب > منتديات التعليم المتوسط > قسم التربية لمناقشات الأساتذة ....و طرق التدريس

قسم التربية لمناقشات الأساتذة ....و طرق التدريس فضاء و دليل للأساتذة ، و تبادل للخبرات...

في حال وجود أي مواضيع أو ردود مُخالفة من قبل الأعضاء، يُرجى الإبلاغ عنها فورًا باستخدام أيقونة تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة ( تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة )، و الموجودة أسفل كل مشاركة .

آخر المواضيع

فضاء تنسيقي خاص بمادة الانجليزية .

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2015-12-31, 14:56   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


1) the ATF is
A: Algerian
T: Teaching
F: Forum
the ATF are the competencies that the teacher should aim at while teaching in class or what is called Guiding Principles of Teaching English in ALgeria
2) AEF :
A: Algerian
E: English
F; Forum
the AEF deals with the Objectives of the Teaching skills ( listening- speaking-reading & writing) to the Algerian learners
which means what do you expect from your learners by the END of THE SCHOOL YEAR to be abel to do (SWBAT)
3) PPU
P: presentation
P: practice
U: Use /u:s/
PPU deals with the stages of planning and presenting ( speaking - grammar- pronunciation )lessons
4) PDP ( listening- reading - writing) lesson
P: Pre( listening / reading/ writing)
D: During or While ( listening / reading/ writing)
P: Post ( listening / reading/ writing)
and what you can see as ATF + AEF + PPU + PDP refer to what the American did here in Algeria from 2006 to 2008 or what is called by some American Method
You have a wide idea while looking at the samples of lesson plans I put on this page forum ( page 1)
N.B : The ATF & the AEF competencies should appear in each lesson plan , the teacher has to split them according to the number of lessons of each File ( one or two competencies )in each lesson plan depending on the teaching skill tackled
For more explanations you are welcome


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:04   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


concerning the Text Book or Log Book the teacher has to report on it what he has planned to teach to his learners
( The model plan is as Mr.Amine mentioned above " date - time - class - Context - OBS)

for example here is a sample of the MS4 level a PDP Reading lesson

4AM1 file One: Reading and writing
Function & grammar {learning objectives} : Describing seafood + locating( tag question+ prep)
pre-reading: activity 1p 33
while reading: Activity 2 + 3 p 33/34
post –reading : activity 4P34
swbat{ S= students / W= Will / B= be / A= able / T = to do...}: by the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to : talk about food and locate (using tag qqs-prepo)

N.B : The Observation Column must be filled everyday in order to enable the teacher Assess his teaching or
Nothing to declare ( if the lesson was successful) or If the lesson was postponed Because of any reason it should be mentioned here

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:06   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Salam ,
Well concerning the " group work " or what we call " the Group Pedagogy" , the teacher has to deal with it regularly and depending on the task to be achieved
The group pedagogy will serve the teacher more while dealing with the "Project Work " which is a Must that the teachers have to deal with it .
From the beginning of the year the teacher has to Ask his learners to Form their groups according to their neighborhood , their likes and dislikes .....
The ideal Number of the Group is not more than 4 (four) and the teacher has to instruct them from the beginning of the MS1 level that each member of the group has a role to play depending on the competencies of each member .
for example : 1 or 2 gather the information / 1 writes / 1 draws .... and 1 of the 4 member will be the spokesman the day of the presentation of the Project work.
This is the case of the Project Work which must be done by a group not individual work and please instruct your learners from the beginning of the MS1 level not to buy Projects from Cyber cafe , the teacher has to show his learners how use such source of information , Select , edit then fleshing out what has been selected
Concerning the classroom situation we generally deal with "Pair Work" and sometimes with "group work " depending on the Task, but generally the "Pair Work" is the dominant task in our syllabus , the teacher has the deal with it make his learners work in pair , it's more motivating for the learners , where the learners listen to each others , respect each others and discover each others
The reason that makes the teacher ovoid "group work or Pair work " is as Madam Hayet said our classes are overcrowded , and each time I ask my friends and colleagues while I lead meetings and seminars I just ask them one question
What do you suggest ?, this is our fact , our classrooms are overcrowded ,
We have to adapt our teaching technics to such classroom situations and the best way is train our learners from the beginning of the school year to such tasks and this is not impossible .

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:07   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


what I did
concerning 4shared , it's the easiest web site to download quickly and without any problem
1- click on the link
2- wait till the page opens and you will see the title of the document and below it there is a small window written on it "download now" - click on it
3- you will have another and you will have to wait about 20 to 30 seconds depending on the seize of the file
4- you have the final page written "download" click on it and you will have the document on your PC

concerning the second request , would you please rewrite the title because it's not clear enough :Writing at the early stages of ******** learning , if not contact me on my email : yellowdaffodil66atgmail dot com
also if you still find problem on downloading any document just inform me

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:11   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Well for the MS2 level You have to adapt this file 6 of MS1 level ( so here no describing biographies - Simple past tense- is taught in the MS1 level , you can teach File 1 of MS2 level normally as it is planned ,but just in the sequence which deals with biographies here you have to adapt the learning objectives ( functions & grammar of the File 6 with that sequence)
then in file 3 Health here you have to adapt it with File 5 ' Food' of the MS1 level
here is the link I have planned that file

for the MS 4 Level you have all the files on page 2 they are planned according to the most updated of the teaching method and also the yearly plannings I have detailed them to help the teachers be aware of the timing , the entry and exit profile
for me the MS4 level is more achievable than the MS3 level
for the MS4 level the teacher has not to be absent or late because all the seances are counted and according to them the ONEC plans the BEM exam
for further questions or inquiries you and all the teachers are welcome

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:16   رقم المشاركة : 6
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


well concerning the Project Work = the Final Production of the File
The Project Pedagogy
the teacher has to tackle it from the MS1 level and from the First File . How?
1- ask your learners to split into groups of 4 maximum 5 .( the group should be formed according to their neighborhood since the work is done out of school )
2- Instruct the learners Not to Buy Projects from Cyber because there some who Exploit the learners and sell them Useless Project , just show them that they can gather INFORMATION from cybers , newspapers , school library , previous Project (which should be gathered at the school library to serve as a source of authentic information, school internet , magazines.....
3- Show the learners the role of each member of the group ( 1 or 2 gather information , 1-draws ( make the learners exploit and re-invest what they study at their Art seance , 1- is the spokesman ,the one who will present the project in class)
4- teach the learners the lay out (form) of the project ( letter- wall paper.....) and ask them to focus on what they learnt in the current file , the learners are not supposed to produce hundreds of pages , just the main Aim of the File .
5- from the beginning of the school year and before the teacher starts any file , he has to discuss and interact with his learners about the Project Work and what they are supposed to do and the way to present it.
6- the teacher has to set at least 5 minutes by the end of each seance to ask the learners if they are progressing in their project work(in order to help them if they face difficulties) since it will take all the period that the file lasts , so the learners are supposed to present the project by the end of each file.
7- Plan a seance for the presentation of the Project and ask the learners before that seance to prepare questions to be asked to their colleagues during the presentation of the project in order to make them , interact and interpret their colleagues' productions.
8- Mark the project works ,gather them and put them in the school's library .(in order to serve as a source for the next generations learners - this is mentioned in the official program of teaching English in Algeria and in the ( document d'accopagnement )
9- The teacher has to convince his / her learners to accept the fact to work in group specially we Algerian have the tendency to work and do the job alone , you will face learners who will beg you to work alone , so here the teacher has to convince his learners to work in group because this has a social effect (accept each others,respect each others , help each others......)
For further Information about the Project Pedagogy please log in to this l

All the comments and inquiries are welcomed
Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:20   رقم المشاركة : 7
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Salam Moonlight,
thanks for the question
How to treat your pupils , is a daily teacher's matter
the teacher should bear in mind that his learners have been stuck at their tables and chairs for 7 hours and may be 8 hours .
the teacher should be in mind that his learners are Individuals , they have likes and dislikes , they are not hard drives where we store on them information .
the teacher should ask him self before he comes to the class and while planning his lessons ( WHO ARE MY LEARNERS?) this will help him/her to know their abilities , capacities , competencies, likes , interests ......
The teacher has to Penetrate in his wonderful learners' world , discover it , explore it , he must understand the way they cloth , comb their hair , the way they behave , they way they live their life , even if they are too motivated (noisy) he must understand what makes them behave like that never think of punishment this method has proved its failure and specially with the new generations ( internet - mobile phones .........)
You have to be sure that you are their hope , you are there for their sake , to help them to learn , you are a model for them and it's a great honor to stand in front of them , your classroom is a community , you in front of you all what you can find out of the class in the real society.
6 -
The teacher has to respect the job that he /she performing , if you do not respect what you are teaching how would you expect your learners to respect you , trust you and believe in you.
the teacher is not there just to teach the Books , DO NOT TEACH THE BOOK / TEACH ABOUT THE BOOK. there is an approach and methods to be taught .
Be careful of the way you cloth , behave , the words you use in front of your learners and do not forget that at Middle School ( the most hard stage in the learners' lives) your learners are teenagers and believe me you can save a learner with just one word , and you can destroy him with just one word or the way you look at him .
You are the source of their inspiration , hope , so be all the time cheerful , hopeful , ready to help them listen to them , try before you start your lesson to interact with them listen to their inquiries , understand them
10 -
Teaching is an ART and be sure of one thing NO ONE CAN TEACH ,there is only the ALMIGHTY GOD WHO CAN TEACH , we are just HELPING PEOPLE TO LEARN , One day I asked one of my Great teachers : Why did you choose to be a teacher? He answered me : To be a teacher is to be all the time Young , you will not feel that you are getting old since every year you meet a new generation , young generations with new thoughts , ways of living as if you are discovering a new world each year . This is teaching Madam
Sorry for being so long but your question is not short
N.B : for the word "advise' their is no plural if we want to make it plural we say ( 1 or 2 or 3 Pieces of advice) the verb is to advise .
For further explanations or inquiries you and all the teachers are welcome

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:22   رقم المشاركة : 8
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Interpreting Written Message and producing written one. (the question of Mr.Messinho)

This means if the teacher has well performed his lesson and reached his final Aim (SWBAT) his/her learners will be able to achieve the final production of any final ( written expression :which could be either a problem solving situation or integrated situation or free written production while the learners express themselves freely and this can take the form of : a project work / the write it ups & write it outs for the MS3 & MS4 level + the BEM exam paper for the MS1 & MS2 "produce" .

so to be brief:

1- Interpreting written message : Decode the written expression's message (taking into account all the forms that it can take as I explained above. Your learners must be able to understand what is required from them in their daily class instructions and in the BEM exam ( the Final exit Profile aim of the Middle School learner)

2- Producing written message: Since your learners were able to "decode and understand the written expression's instructions they will be able to produce a message (written or oral ) and beginning from the MS2 level the focus is on the written one since we are targeting the final Aim ( the BEM Exam) where must be able to understand and perform written productions.

Good luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:24   رقم المشاركة : 9
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Salam Madam Hayet
Thanks a lot for your lovely words all the honor is mine
well concerning the MS1 level me too after quite long experience I face these questions
1) I have new comers ; how can I start with them ?
2) what can I do to help them ?
3) They will learn English which has not been seen in PS and our society has no relation with it, no English mass media
4) They have no competencies acquired like in the other courses

so what to do ?

a) start from the beginning ,your learners have learnt French in PS , they have have some knowledge about the spelling of the alphabets , try to assess that , they can read in French ( normally, the difficulties are in the rural areas where some learners do not learn French ) so while assessing them you will have a wide idea about your learners and from the competencies they have already acquired you can plan your lessons
b) the MS1 level are so motivated ( the teacher needs to know how to master such motivation otherwise he or she will finish the Program by the end 2nd term.
c) the MS1 level love learning English has to be aware about that and must know how to exploit that , he or she has to be careful: the learners are learning a second foreign ******** with its all characteristics and features and we are no longer teaching English for Specific Purpose.
d) The teacher should instruct his learners about the importance of learning English and also for their future studies.
c) the learners must believe that English nowadays is used in our Algerian daily life ( internet - mobile phones .....)

all what I can advise my colleagues is to BELIEVE IN WHAT YOUR ARE GIVING TO YOUR LEARNERS , Respect your job , be aware that you are not just teaching the components of the MANUALS but a program and a great project which making our learning capable to

1- Interact using English
2- Interpret oral and written English Messages
3- Produce oral or written English Messages

the 3 IIP competencies that all of us must aim at to make our learners master this important universal ********

Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:25   رقم المشاركة : 10
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


concerning the Text Book or Log Book the teacher has to report on it what he has planned to teach to his learners
( The model plan is as Mr.Amine mentioned above " date - time - class - Context - OBS)

for example here is a sample of the MS4 level a PDP Reading lesson

4AM1 file One: Reading and writing
Function & grammar {learning objectives} : Describing seafood + locating( tag question+ prep)

pre-reading: activity 1p 33

while reading: Activity 2 + 3 p 33/34

post –reading : activity 4P34

swbat{ S= students / W= Will / B= be / A= able / T = to do...}: by the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to : talk about food and locate (using tag qqs-prepo)

N.B : The Observation Column must be filled everyday in order to enable the teacher Assess his teaching or
Nothing to declare ( if the lesson was successful) or If the lesson was postponed Because of any reason it should be mentioned here

take care

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:27   رقم المشاركة : 11
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


well concerning stress ,it's no longer taught for the MS1 & MS2 levels for the M3 7 MS 4 level it's taught in very simple way and specially for the MS4 level it's not planned in the BEM exam.
If you need lessons about stress ( academic research) I may provide you a book of Peter Roach but if it is a matter of teaching in middle school you can have a look at my lesson plans for the MS3 you will find very simple Tips for the learners because teaching stress in detailed way is very hard for our learners so I advise you to follow the Tips of the MS3 level for MS4 I advise you to focus on the BEM typology .
good luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 15:32   رقم المشاركة : 12
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


The use of our mother tongue
concerning the use of our mother tongue while teaching, well in the previous approach it was Forbidden for both teacher and learners , in this approach ,it is permitted for the LEARNERS , but for the teachers .Why?
It's the teacher's duty he or she is there to explain and make things clear and easier , the teacher has to prepare well his lessons and take care of the new vocabulary , prepare the appropriate visual aid for that new vocabulary , uses gestures , miming , plays the clown in class .
The teacher has to bear in mind that he or she is there because his or her learners need his or her help and if he or she uses each time the mother tongue the pupil will not improve and progress they will lose the motivation to INTERPRET any word or situation , they will simply ask the teacher to say it in their mother tongue and let them go !!!!!!

I am completely against using our mother tongue , the teacher can after using visual aids or what is said nowadays (VAKT)

VAKT is :
- V : visual ( all the visual aids that your learners can see pictures , flash cards , videos....)

- A : auditory ( all what your learners can listen to )

- K : Kinesthetic ( all the movements and gestures that learners can perform in class while explaining any vocabulary r situation)

- T : Tactile (all what your learners can touch in class during the lesson)

So as I explained above the teacher has be to aware about the type of aid he or she will use and at what period or stage to be used. of the lesson

The teacher may ask his learners about a specific word in their mother tongue But NOT BEFORE HAVING Explained it ,using the above different technics IN ORDER TO CHECK IF his learners are on the SAME TUNE , that's all.

In this new Approach it is permitted to give some tasks for the learners to translate in their mother tongue.

for the teacher who spent 3 hours to explain the word "ago" I wonder how much time will she need to achieve the program?
she could simply say :
Imagine the class starts at 8:00 Now it's 8:30
example : We started our class at 8:00 . Now it is 8:30 . so
We started our class at 8:00 = We started our class 30 minutes ago or 30 minutes ago we started our class

the learners will release that 30 minutes is the PAST period of time that they spent in class and the two sentences are the same
the first shows a point of time in the past and the second one a period of time & both the two sentences are the SAME .

With further PRACTICE the learners with acquire this new grammatical structure .

To teach such grammatical or pronunciation items I advise my colleagues to Use the PIASP Technic :

The PIASP Technic :

- P : Presentation ( the teacher presents a dialogue / sentence / paragraph .......)

- I : Isolation ( while reading or presenting the script he or she may ask the learners to underline the selected item , then he may ask them to read the script , later he asks them to remind him about what they have underlined and he reports it on the board )

- A : Analysis ( the teacher using mind mapping , he invites the learners to interpret what has been isolated )

- S : Stating Rule(s) ( here after having analyzed the selected items or sentence Your learners Have to be able to deduce the new rule re-investing what they have learnt before .

- P : Practice ( written) and should be through 3 types of practice tasks

1) Based form task
2) Meaning based task
3) communicative task

All what I want to say is to focus on the classroom situation , it's easier and saving time .

Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 18:29   رقم المشاركة : 13
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


well concerning the MS1 level me too after quite long experience I face these questions
1) I have new comers ; how can I start with them ?
2) what can I do to help them ?
3) They will learn English which has not been seen in PS and our society has no relation with it, no English mass media
4) They have no competencies acquired like in the other courses

so what to do ?

a) start from the beginning ,your learners have learnt French in PS , they have have some knowledge about the spelling of the alphabets , try to assess that , they can read in French ( normally, the difficulties are in the rural areas where some learners do not learn French ) so while assessing them you will have a wide idea about your learners and from the competencies they have already acquired you can plan your lessons
b) the MS1 level are so motivated ( the teacher needs to know how to master such motivation otherwise he or she will finish the Program by the end 2nd term.
c) the MS1 level love learning English has to be aware about that and must know how to exploit that , he or she has to be careful: the learners are learning a second foreign ******** with its all characteristics and features and we are no longer teaching English for Specific Purpose.
d) The teacher should instruct his learners about the importance of learning English and also for their future studies.
c) the learners must believe that English nowadays is used in our Algerian daily life ( internet - mobile phones .....)

all what I can advise my colleagues is to BELIEVE IN WHAT YOUR ARE GIVING TO YOUR LEARNERS , Respect your job , be aware that you are not just teaching the components of the MANUALS but a program and a great project which making our learning capable to

1- Interact using English
2- Interpret oral and written English Messages
3- Produce oral or written English Messages

the 3 IIP competencies that all of us must aim at to make our learners master this important universal ********

Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 18:36   رقم المشاركة : 14
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


What competencies did an Algerian learner acquire from his mother tongue ( 1st ******** ) & and from his 6 six years at primary school ( 1 kindergarten + 5 PS) ?
This is possible with our colleagues of Arabic since we are an Arab country and our mother tongue does not differ many from the standard one , it's also possible for our French colleagues since the learners start this ******** from the PS3 level .
Unfortunately for English is a great challenge and many questions have to be risen since our :
1) society is not English
2) our medias are arab and french
3) english is used in very narrow areas or for specific purpose
So what to do ?
We have to bear in mind all those facts and be aware about the challenge that is facing us .
to answer your question the Pyramid of technics that you asked about and all what concerns Teaching English in Middle school ( and it's also the case for Secondary school) you will find all the answers in the
1) Program
2) documents d'accompagnement
they are small booklets in your school gathered with (arabic - french & tamazight + English )
Each teacher must have those documents they show you :
- the Approach & method applied in our country
- the difference between the previous approach and this new one
- the role of the teacher
- the role of the learner
Now coming back to your question about pyramid of technics
I will summarize it to you like this :
We are teaching English to Algerian learners to enable them :
1) Interact using English
2) Interpret oral & written messages using English
3) Produce Oral and written messages using English

So those are the 3 IIP competencies that should appear in each stage of the teacher's lesson plan and all those should be applied using Learner Centered Teaching Method ( major focus on the learners' interests)

This is a brief answer to your question and for further inquiries and requests you are welcome at any moment

Congratulations for the post and Welcome to the family

Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-12-31, 18:39   رقم المشاركة : 15
معلومات العضو
bounab samir
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية bounab samir


إحصائية العضو


Don't worry just focus on what they have seen the most important learning objectives and the ones they will see in MS2 level
you will tackle them in their time , and even if you have forgotten anything just mention it on your Log Book , you must set an Observation column where you mention how the lesson was and later while planning your lesson you must take into account what you have mentioned this is what we call FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

for example if you forgot planning future activities (using the simple future tense ) so here don't worry you will tackle that in the next Files since our Manuals are set on what is called CYCLING LEARNING ( each time the learners recycle some of the learning objectives they saw in the previous Middle school levels)

Good Luck

رد مع اقتباس
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