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آخر المواضيع |
2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research(SHUSER 2012)
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
2011-12-31, 22:29 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research(SHUSER 2012)
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Full Paper Submission Deadline : 20 January 2012 ================================================== ============== The 2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research (SHUSER 2012) will be held at Kuala Lumpur, a metropolitan city of Malaysia; to share latest research findings besides getting to know Malaysia. The event is held between the 24 - 26 June 2012. SHUSER 2012 will be organized by IEEE Malaysia Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics & Industrial Applications Joint Chapter and supported by the Research Management Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. This symposium will offer value added opportunities for participants to network and share experiences in a unique inter-disciplinary environment relevant to IEEE’s vision of Advancing Technology for Humanities beyond traditional boundaries. The Proceedings of SHUSER 2012 will be included in the IEEE Xplore database and has been registered in the IEEE website conference listing. It will normally be indexed leading to SCOPUS listing. We are glad to announce that SHUSER 2011 proceedings are currently indexed in IEEE Xplore/SCOPUS. Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research. Areas of interest includes, but are not limited to the following symposium tracks: * Administrative Science * Applied Sciences & Technology Applications * Banking Finance & Economics * Built Environment & Sustainable Development * Civil Engineering & Applications * Electrical Engineering & Applications * Frontier Educational Methods * Frontier Materials and Industrial Applications * Healthcare & Lifescience Applications * Humanities & Quality of Life * Information Technology & Computer Applications * Management, Business & Logistics * Mathematics, Statistics and Applications * Mechanical Engineering & Applications Submission Format : To submit paper go to submission paper website (EDAS) at https://edas.info/N11507 Further information can be obtained from the following website : https://www.uitmrmi.org/shuser2012 ================== Call for Reviewers ================== The SHUSER 2012 will implement a double blind peer review process. Each paper will be decided with a minimum of three reviewers. Do sign up as a reviewer by sending email to : - البريد الإلكتروني حذف من قبل الإدارة (غير مسموح بكتابة البريد) -. ========================= Special Sessions/Tutorial ========================= The Technical Program Committee is soliciting proposals for Tutorials focusing on topics relevant to the scope SHUSER 2012. Proposals maybe submitted to the program committee at - البريد الإلكتروني حذف من قبل الإدارة (غير مسموح بكتابة البريد) -. Special sessions with a minimum of ten papers are welcomed.
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) |
engineering, humanities, science, symposium |
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