Secularity, reality and danger - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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آخر المواضيع

Secularity, reality and danger

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2015-04-25, 08:50   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
ابو اكرام فتحون
مشرف سابق
الصورة الرمزية ابو اكرام فتحون


أحسن مشرف العضو المميز 1 
إحصائية العضو

B11 Secularity, reality and danger

Secularity, reality and danger

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessing be upon whom Allah sent as a mercy to the Worlds, upon his Family, his Companions and his Brothers till the Day of Resurrection.
The word “Secularity” - (Al-`Ilmâniyya) in the Arabic ******** - is a term that has absolutely no relation with the word “Science” (`Ilm) or its derivations. From the political point of view, secularity means “Irreligious power” (i.e. religion should not be involved in power). It is commonly defined in many Islamic books as “The separation of religion from the state”. However, this meaning is limited and does not state the reality of secularity, which involves the individual and the behavior that have no relation with the state. This is why we can express it differently in a more conformable way to the reality of secularity, which is “The establishment of an irreligious life”. Regardless the fact that secularity, whose doctrine and philosophy emerged under the protection of the western civilization, was influenced by the falsified Christianity(1) and socialism, the irreligious secularity is a worldly ideology aiming at isolating the religious influence on life. It calls to set up life on material basis in its different domains: political, economical, social, ethic, judicial and others, also on the bases of the absolute worldly knowledge, under the power of reason and experimentation, taking into consideration interest, by adapting the principle of utilitarianism over all the domains of life, in power, politics and ethics based on the Machiavellian principle “The end justifies the means”. Thus, far from the religious recommendations and prohibitions which are restricted in the individual’s mind and do not go with them beyond his personal and private relation between him and his Lord. Furthermore, he is not allowed to express himself, but only in matters of religious rituals and ceremonies, which consist of weddings, festivals, funerals and others.
Secularity, which is based on the materialistic tendency, is soon emanated from the irreligious doctrine, whose utmost aim is fighting religion and removing it from all fields of the public life, in addition to excluding people of religion and its protectors and limiting their influence by isolating them from educational domains, institutions and scientific institutes, and preventing religious knowledge. So, its highest aim is to establish a state and a society where religion is confined to the individual level, and make people of the Islamic society feel brotherhood in state, regardless the fact that they are not brothers in religion.
Nevertheless, the truth is not really perceived by those who divide secularity, on the one hand, into atheistic one, which radically denies the existence of the Creator and does not at all recognize something in matter of religion, and on the other hand, into non-atheistic secularity that believes, theoretically, in the Creator but rejects any relation between Allah عزَّ وجلَّ and the men’s life. It calls to isolate religion from the world and life, and rejects, explicitly or implicitly, the legislation of Allah. Because atheism is the nature of secularity in all its forms since atheism is to depart and to deviate from Allah’s religion and legislation including all leaning or tendency towards religion. This is what essentially leads to incredulity in Allah, the association to Him in what is illicit, transgress something forbidden by Him, and leave any of the recommendations of Allah(2).
Besides, the origin of atheism is all what contains the association to Allah in His general Lordship, and denying Allah’s Names, attributes or Acts.
The predication of secularity represents a huge danger to the religion of Islam and to Muslims, and the majority of the Muslims are not aware of its reality because it disguises behind different masks such as patriotism, socialism, nationalism, and others. As well as, it hides behind destructive theories like Freudianism, Darwinism, or Evolutionism(3) and others. Its partisans pretend relying on attested scientific arguments whereas they are just weak, deficient and specious arguments rejected by reason and reality:
﴿كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ﴾[العنكبوت: 41].
The meaning of the verse:
As the parable of the spider that makes for itself a house; and most surely the frailest of the houses is the spider’s house did they but know﴿ [Al-`Ankabût (The Spider): 41].
Especially, the one that gives the appearance of a partisan to the religion in order to confuse and to lead ordinary Muslims astray. In fact, it does not prevent the pilgrimage and prayer in the mosques. On the contrary, it contributes in their construction, it takes part in celebrations and festivals, it offers rewards and gifts for the imams and those who learn the Koran by heart, and show neither struggle nor antagonism against religion but with very fervent attempts to restrict religion in mosques and isolate it from the domains of life.
Among the aspects and domains of secularization which are kept off from religion:
- Politics and power, the adaptation of secularization in these fields is apparent and not hidden from the observers.
- Secularization of teaching and its methods, a fact not refuted by those who are reasonable.
- Secularization of economy and financial structures, clearly known by experts.
- Civic, social and ethic laws are undoubtedly secularized.
In fact, secularism makes of the spiritual values negative ones. In this manner, it makes the way free to the spread of atheism, westernization, libertinism and ethic anarchy. It calls for the women’s liberation according to the western style that does not condemn illegal relations between the two sexes. This is what helps to open widely the doors to shameful practices that, consequently, lead to the destruction of the family’s existence and to its disunion. Thus, with such practices, generations are formed with an irreligious education, in a society where neither an impediment or a religious barrier nor a voice of a living consciousness exist, which are substituted by agitations of worldly passions like interest, covetousness, the struggle for life, and other material hopes regardless of spiritual values.
It is this kind of secularity that is spread in the Muslim and Arab world, through the effect of colonialism and the campaigns of Christianization and evangelization. Also, because of the improvidence of our compatriots, deluded with illusions, who brandished its slogan, and executed the plans of those who have drawn them and supported them to confuse ordinary people with specious arguments and pretensions of extreme disorientation that founded their predication, which consists of:
- Slandering the Noble Quran and making the prophecy doubtful.
- Pretending that the revelation is inactive and unable to adapt itself with civilisation, and Europe progressed only after getting rid of religion.
- Pretending that Islam neglects the pursuit of the evolution of life, calls for repression, and persecutes the freedom of thought.
- Pretending that Islamic religion has already completed its aims and remains in it only a set of rituals and spiritual practices.
- Pretending that the Arabic ******** lacks or takes a long time to adapt itself with science and progress, and it is unable to pursuit civilization and development process. However, even if Arabic is the official ******** in Muslim countries, but still it is marginalized in the majority of administrative institutions, in universities and medical fields, especially in North African countries where the French ******** has replaced it and really becomes the practiced ******** of speaking and of communication. Nevertheless, the Arabic ******** has gradually regressed and loses ground according to plans already prepared and studied after knowing that Arabic is the ******** of the Quran and the key of the revelation sciences.
- Pretending that the revelation has already been practically applied at the level of politics, power, and in other domains. Because, they pretend that the Islamic jurisprudence draws its prescriptions from the Roman law.
- Pretending the harshness of the revelation in its retributions such as: lex talionis, amputation, being stoned to death, flagellation … and decide on retributions that are more appropriate by taking irreligious laws and methods from the West, by imitation, which are considered more clement and more lenient.
Eventually, these are the set of pretensions that secularists rely on, who work in order to interrupt the revelation of Allah عزَّ وجلَّ by different means such as personalities, magazines, journalism, and other plans. In addition to this, they want to separate the authentic religion from the social life, and reduce it in the narrowest limits and domains according to the leanings and practices of the West who aims at breaking the commandments of Islam and releasing it from all its obligations and values. Besides, they want to alter the Muslim identity, cut them off from their religion, and lose their loyalty to it and membership to their community through the alliance to the West full of hatred, and by interchanging the values, notions, terms and authentic Islamic conceptions with western ones, in a manner that the lifestyle will be changed to that of the West, and by changing the way of thinking and acting so that it suits the thinking and deeds of the West. They also aim at changing the ethical and social behavior with the allegation that it is a modernization of the legislative, juridical and penal systems; and this in a manner that goes with the civilizational way, by imitating the western systems and legislations, all this under the banner of development and renewal.
Many individuals of the Islamic nation were deeply influenced by secularity, and this is obvious in the fields of institutions, power, Sharia, jurisprudence and education. This influence is due to what was spread of ambiguities around Islam, its ********, Quran and Prophet, as we previously mentioned.
Many social and political institutions were influenced by these pernicious notions and proceeded to develop their countries by focusing on secularizing the state, whether under the guise of nationalism, socialism, patriotism or others. As for the other institutions with Islamic tendency, they are also influenced by secularity – save those whom Allah Has protected by His mercy – they have of religion a limited conception since they restrict it to its civilizational aspect.
Islam, religion and state rejects categorically this duality, which consists of making a strong barrier between the material and the spiritual world; it is considered an apostasy. Moreover, Islam, within its sane and pure nature, its correct dogma and morality, does not accept the spread of the western social evils such as atheism, libertinism, ethic anarchy, and other vices, ideological and moral impurities which bring the destruction of the doctrine’s unity, the family and the society existence.
In fact, Islam commands to Muslim to be entirely to Allah in all domains of life: his deeds, his words, and his behaviors. His life as well as his death belongs to the Allah عزَّ وجلَّ:
﴿قُلْ إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ. لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَبِذَلِكَ أُمِرْتُ وَأَنَا أَوَّلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ﴾[الأنعام: 162-163].
The meaning of the verse:
Say (O Muhammad صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم): “Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the `Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists) He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims﴿ [Al-An`âm (The Cattle): 162-163].
The perfect knowledge belongs to Allah. Our last prayer is all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessing be upon our Prophet صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم, his Family, his Companions and Brothers till the Day of Resurrection.

(1) One of the Christian proclamations: Give to Caesar the power of state and to God the power of the church. Starting from this, it has emerged the principle of “The separation of religion from the state”, a principle attributed to `Issa (Jesus) عليه السلام when he said: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Gospel of Luke 20:25) It is in this way that Christianity agrees with secularism. However, religion and power, in Islam, are made originally to Allah عزَّ وجلَّ and devoted to Him. They do neither admit the separation between religion and State, nor between religion and society, because Islam, as religion and system, is different in its origin from Christianity, which is a set of testaments, and it is also different from it when applied in the Roman societies where religion were for God and power for Caesar.
(2) See “Adhwâ’ Al-Bayân” of Ash-Shanqîti (5/59-58).
(3) The Darwinist theory, in reference to Charles Darwin, a British researcher, who published the book “On the origin of species” in 1859, which deals with a series of assumptions. He supported his theory of apparition and evolution which assumes that the evolution of life in organic creatures is that it evolved from a simple and primitive life to a more complex and subtle one and that it graduated from archaic to more sophisticated life. He considered that the origin of life is a cell which was in a swampy marsh some million years ago, then it had developed and had undergone many steps, among them, that of the ape which became a human. Darwin thus, considered the human as being close to the ape; he even assumed that the real ancestor of the human race is a small cell that lived in a swampy marsh. His aim by this is to eliminate the creed of the people of the truth, that the human race is descended from Adam and Eve.
This theory caused general discomfort and a feeling of upset and perdition. Distraught and disarrayed generations who were characterized by spiritual vacuum have appeared then. Among the results of this theory, the materialistic and Marxist theory which proclaimed the materialistic aspect of the human being who is subjected to the laws of matter, thus neglecting the spiritual aspects. This theory has also an effect on the birth of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. Freud drew from the theory of Darwin the idea of the animality of the human being, that he is an animal guided by the sex drive; otherwise he will be in the grip of a harmful inhibition with bad effects on the nervous system.
That is how Freud considered the evolution theory as an explication of the existence of religion by linking it to sexual urges.
Many theories drew from the theory of Darwin destructive ideologies, as the existentialism of Sartre and the contemporary parapsychology of Bergson; they based their theories upon that of Darwin in its explication of the human race, life and behavior.
The experimental sciences proved that Darwin’s theory is false with irrefutable proofs. His theory is not even considered a scientific theory, especially after the discoveries of Mendel’s law on inheritance and genes.
The Quran establishes that the human being is created out of an extract of clay, then he was placed as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging (womb of a woman).
So, the matter of creation of all creatures at the origin is water.
﴿وَاللهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِن مَاءٍ﴾[النور : 45].
The meaning of the verse:
Allâh has created every moving (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four. Allâh creates what He wills. Verily! Allâh is Able to do all things.﴿ [An-Nûr (The Light): 45].
The human stays a human, with all his constituents, his form, his characteristics and his mind, without evolution or change. This fact is a proof that the Creator is one.
﴿الَّذِي أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ وَبَدَأَ خَلْقَ الإِنسَانِ مِن طِينٍ. ثُمَّ جَعَلَ نَسْلَهُ مِن سُلالَةٍ مِنْ مَاءٍ مَهِينٍ﴾[السجدة : 7-8].
The meaning of the verse:
Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).﴿ [As-Sajda (The Prostration): 7-8].


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-06-09, 20:14   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
مشرف سابق
الصورة الرمزية Karim-Rap-4-Life


العضو المميز لسنة 2013 وسام التميز في منتدى الإنجليزية المرتبة الثالثة 
إحصائية العضو



The following reply is written after reading an article entitled (The right way of dealing with the rulers) this latter contains points in which the reader feel confused and sometimes lose his mind just like I did.
After reading the whole article the reader should take the following notes into consideration right and he should be careful of and my comments are written in blue and they represent my perspective only:
1. The irreligious secularity is a worldly ideology aiming at isolating the religious influence on life (1st paragraph) Secularity is similar to false Christianity in separating religion from the state. In Christianity it’s said أعطي ما لقيصر لقيصر و ما لله لله. So what do you say about the Arab countries rulers? And ours is one of them?It’s like imitating another religion aren’t they Muslims if no so do we have to accept a ruler from other religions?
2. It is based on the Machiavellian principle “The end justifies the means” (1st paragraph) Nicholas Michaveli umm! It seems like he’s selfish and deceiver and our governmental figures are the very same if you pay a deep attention to.
3. Secularity, which is based on the materialistic tendency, is soon emanated from the irreligious doctrine, whose utmost aim is fighting religion and removing it from all fields of the public life (2nd paragraph) Wow! That’s the point that I’ve been trying to reach from the beginning look big brother Fathoun you clearly believe in this and me too I do believe it that their furthest goal is to destroy the religions especially Islam. Moderate Christianity has been destroyed and what left a 1 million time modified bible in which new laws have been included to control masses. In Algeria most of the responsible seems to be secularists and let’s think about their goals! Umm! I guess you brother discussed that before, Interesting.

4. Its highest aim is to establish a state and a society where religion is confined to the individual level (2nd paragraph) this is what we hear all the time from our numerous political parties (rabbits parties) Eldine li allah w elwatan liljami3.
5. Among the aspects and domains of secularization which are kept off from religion:
- Politics and power, the adaptation of secularization in these fields is apparent and not hidden from the observers.
Umm! In Algeria for example!
- Secularization of teaching and its methods, a fact not refuted by those who are reasonable.
Why do they have to refute it while religious icons in their countries tell them what they tell them in topics like (the right way to deal with the rulers)?
- Secularization of economy and financial structures, clearly known by experts.
Of course like the usury in Algeria’s banks, bank debts, L’ensej!
- Civic, social and ethic laws are undoubtedly secularized. (4th paragraph)
yeah! I’ve noticed that clearly in new family laws, deposition (elkhol3), they even intervened in the daddies and daughters relations umm! In Algeria for example women who work as customs (el-jamarik) have been forbidden to put veil (El-Hijeb)!

6. It makes the way free to the spread of atheism, westernization, libertinism and ethic anarchy. It calls for the women’s liberation according to the western style that does not condemn illegal relations between the two sexes (6th paragraph) atheism, westernization, libertinism, ethics anarchy, women’s liberation and ethics anarchy anyone who reads this he will certainly object those who’re in charge of the country and those who’re in charge of this country are the same whom (The right way to deal with the rulers) giving them the right to continue their mess!
7. … This is what helps to open widely the doors to shameful practicesthat, consequently, lead to the destruction of the family’s existenceand to its disunion. Thus, with such practices, generations are formed with an irreligious education(6th paragraph). For real this is what’s happening in the Arab countries and Algeria too look around you brother Fathoun did you see the youngsters dancing in the streets like monkeys? Did you see universities full of monkeys too? You surely heard about Lexta, drugs and wines tell us who let them in, who made a free way to let them reach our youngsters? These are the aspects of secularity for real.
8. Slandering the Noble Quran and making the prophecy doubtful. (7th paragraph) some examples: we have a minister in Algeria who once said (the time of Allah said and the prophet said is done) the person who said is one of the responsible of our affairs, so according to you do we call him a secularist or what?
9. They want to alter the Muslim identity, cut them off from their religion. (8th paragraph) what I see in the Algerian society is the same to what you are talking about, and who made it? Let’s be realist this objective couldn’t have been reached if the rulers hadn’t been collaborative.
10. Many individuals of the Islamic nation were deeply influenced by secularity, and this is obvious in the fields of institutions, power, Sharia, jurisprudence and education. (9th paragraph) so what are we waiting for do we have to fight it? How? And When?

11. One point I would like to add which is the fact that in Islamic countries when secularism rules there will be a kind of pressure and repression on Islamic icons, Do3at and Imams for instance no one would deny that in our Masjid there’s no spies who’re watching what lesson is Imam teaching. Another example of real repression is that when the law of selling wines in Algeria was declared the Algerian minister of the Islamic affairs said, “Ur, er… it’s a matter of leadership the industry and commerce minister is free and conscious about what he does we don’t have any right to intervene” according to what he says do you really think that this minister has relationship with Islam if yes do you think Islam accepts the spreading of such things which are aiming to destroy your and my brothers and sisters. How should and wines are called the mother of sins we didn’t see no objections… no objections that offend the rulers only those interventions that say a man can marry four women. بالعامية يعني يحكيو غير على الشعب الذي لا حول و لا قوة له علاش ما يحكيوش على الطامة الكبرى لي راهي لفوق و ياخي احنا امة الامر بالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر احنا ما عندنا ما نقولو كاين امر بالمعروف لكن النهي عن المنكر مارانا نشوفو والو ناس حابين يقتلوها بغاز مسبب لأكثر الأمراض خطورة و الناس ساكتة قالك زعما زعما تنوض فتنة يعود يدينا الواد و لكن هم نساو بلي رانا اصلا في فتنة و رايحين لفتنة أكبر من هذه لا اقتصاد، لا استراتيجية، لا تنظيم محكم الشعب في واد و هم في واد هو دمروا البنية التحتية تاع المجتمع عندنا جيل يصعب التحكم فيه يقدر يقتل على كرة القدم التي هي استعملت لالهائهم....نسكت خير والله.
I’m a simple Algerian, I don’t like FITNA but I like to say what I really think and can’t keep silent when I see a paradox I hate it. When I read your topic (the right way to deal with the rulers) I understood it what I really understood is that the Muslim has to obey his ruler unless he’s trying to destroy the religion and in your next topic (Secularity reality and danger) you really described in the right way and as it is. Therefore, Brother Fathoun if we compare the two topics we’ll be confused by this paradox:
How does a rational Muslim would obey a ruler who is aiming at destroying his Islam?
Another paradox is in secularists themselves, in this country they prefer not including religion in politics but they really use religion in elections like for example a previous minster who said, “O, he who doesn’t vote is a traitor”. It is clearly that Ezawaya are used in political campaigns and before elections …
The comment is my own perspective, there are no foreign hands.
I’ve the right of difference and the duty of respect
هذا التعليق يعبر عن رأيي ليس من الايادي الخارجية
لدي حق الاختلاف و واجب الاحترام
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-10-31, 19:43   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
taha maaboubi
إحصائية العضو


graze graze

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2015-10-31, 19:44   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
taha maaboubi
إحصائية العضو


i like it

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