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My selection of English words from Arabic origin
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2015-07-04, 19:20 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
My selection of English words from Arabic origin
ADMIRAL (أميــــــــر الرحلة, meaning commander of the fleet, or literally “of the trip”) .
origin: from Middle English, from Anglo-French amiral from Medieval Latin admiralis emir, from Arabic amīr-al-baḥr. ADOBE (الطوب: meaning a “brick.” : specifically, a type of brick made of a mixture of mud and straw that is dried by the sun (merriam's webster dictionary). origin from Spanish, from Arabic al-ṭūb the brick. ALCOVE (القبة: meaning “the vault”, or “the dome”) origin French alcôve, from Spanish alcoba, from Arabic al-qubba the arch NADIR (نظيـــــــــــــر: It is the opposite of the zenith.) origin from Middle French, from Arabic naḍhīr opposite SODA (صـــــــــودا.) origin from Italian, from Arabic suwwād, any of several saltworts from the ashes of which sodium carbonate is obtained ELIXIR (الإكسيــــــــــــــر: Something like a “syrup”—also an Arabic term, possibly borrowed from Persian.) CHECK (from صکّ, also from Persian meaning “letter of credit.” It would give the Chess expression “Checkmate”, from “الشيخ مات”, or “the Shaikh is dead.”) SAFARI (سفـــــــر: “travel”—As in Apple’s Safari web browser) origin: Swahili, journey, from Arabic safarī MASCARA (Just as with the English “masquerade” and the French “mascarade“, mascara comes from the Arabic word مسخرة, an event during which people wear masks, such as carnivals.) MATTRESS (مطـــــــــــــــــــرح.) origin Middle English materas, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin materacium, from Arabic maṭraḥ place where something is thrown SOFA (الصُفــــــــة) origin from Italian sofà, from Turkish sofa, from Arabic ṣuffa carpet AMBER (عنبر: Anbar, “ambergris.”) COTTON (قُطْـــــــــن) COFFEE (قهوة: For long snubbed by Europeans as the “wine of the infidels”—that is, many centuries before the age of Starbucks and instant coffee!) TARIFF (تعاريـــــــــــــــف, plural of تعريـــــــــــــــفة, meaning a “fee”, origin Italian tariffa, from Arabic taʽrīf notification -- sources: https://blogs.transparent.com/arabic/...arabic-origin/ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ NB: i did not had chance to check all of them, you do it yourself if u want!
2015-07-05, 23:48 | رقم المشاركة : 2 | |||
I thinن there are also others name like: |
2015-07-06, 11:00 | رقم المشاركة : 3 | ||||
Yet, it is not enough to claim that their origin is Arabic, instead one should look for their etymology. eg. www.etymonline.com |
2015-07-07, 19:15 | رقم المشاركة : 4 | |||
So nice!
thank you so much آخر تعديل نارينا 2015-07-07 في 19:15.
2015-07-29, 01:27 | رقم المشاركة : 5 | |||
Thanks, very informative |
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arabic, english, origin, selection, words |
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