Veuillez trouver ci-joint le programme de l'ecole d'Hiver Wireless Sensor Systems organisé par le CDTA à Alger du 14 au 16 2014
Day 1 (14-12-2014) Wireless Sensor Networks and Application
9h00-10h00Design of Wireless Sensor Network for an Emergency Preparedness and Response Class of Applications (Azzedine Boukerche, University of Ottawa, Canada)
10h00-11h00The challenges of networking in Wireless Sensor Networks 1(Conduc Pham, University of Pau, France)
11h-11h15Coffee Break
11h15-12h15The challenges of networking in Wireless Sensor Networks 2(Conduc Pham, University of Pau, France)
12h15-13h15Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks (Djamel Djenouri, CERIST, Algeria)
14h30-17h00Technologies Radios pour Capteurs sans-fils (Claude Guichaoua, CG-Wireless, France)
Day 2 (15-12-2014) Wireless Sensor nodes (WSn): Design and testing
9h00-10h00Structured and Distributed Compressed Sensing: A Bayesian Approach (Tareq Alnaffouri, KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
10h00-11h00Middleware for Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization (Norsheila Fisal, UTM, Malaysia)
11h00-11h15Coffee Break
11h15-12h15Analog, mixed-signal and MEMS design-for-test and its use for WSn (Salvador Mir, TIMA Lab., France)
12h15-13h15The Rapid Evolution of Wireless Products: The Challenges and Market Opportunities behind RF and Millimeter-Wave Design, Test, and High-Volume Manufacturing (Mustapha Slamani, IBM)
14h30-17h00Programming Workshop (Ahcène Bounceur, Université de Brest, France)
Day 3 (16-12-2014) Design Worskhop
9h00-12h00Réalisation d'un Micro-Drone Quadri-Copter (Kamel Adi, UQO, Canada)
Le détail de cet évenement se trouve sur le lien
www (dot) cdta (dot) dz puis le lien WSWSS'2014