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قديم 2009-10-05, 15:08   رقم المشاركة : 1
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Hot News1 لم يتم ترشيح اجابة مفضلة help me @@english bookssssss

اطلب من الاعضاء الكرام المتواجدين بهذا المنتدى تقديم كتاب الانجليزية المدرسي لاسنة الثانية ثانويppppdgy


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قديم 2009-12-01, 20:24   رقم المشاركة : 2
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قديم 2009-12-01, 20:27   رقم المشاركة : 3
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دخولك مسجل بإسم : nadir1993 العنوان: الرسالة: الابتسامات [المزيد] أيقونات المشاركةيمكنك إختيار أيقونة من القائمة التالية: بدون أيقونة

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قديم 2009-12-01, 20:29   رقم المشاركة : 4
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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2009-12-01, 20:30   رقم المشاركة : 5
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    1. هذا المنتدى يطلّب بأنّ تنتظر 45 بين المشاركاالمشاركات. الرجاء حاول ثانية بعد 5 ثواني.ت. الرجاء حاول ثانية بعد 21 ثواني.

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قديم 2009-12-01, 20:31   رقم المشاركة : 6
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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2009-12-04, 11:18   رقم المشاركة : 7
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PRACTICE (pp.40- 41)
Act. One (p.40)
The students will practise the use of the modals can/could and their irregular forms by doing a completion activity.
a. The League of Nations cannot impose economic sanctions on warlike nations.
b. Germany will be able to join the Security Council soon because it is the third economic power in the world.
c. The UN General Assembly can only make recommendations to the
Security Council. It
cannot make decisions.
d. The United Nations Organization has not been able to create a permanent military force yet.
e. Dag Hammarskjold, who served as Secretary General of the UN from
1953 to 1961,
was able to organize peacekeeping task forces.
f. UN peacekeeping troops, called ‘blue helmets’, can use force only for
temporary self-defence purposes. They can maintain peace, but they
can not prevent war.
g. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 30
(UNESCO) was able to launch its Peace Programme only after the end of the Cold War.
Act. Two (p.40)
In this activity, your students will identify the different functions that can be expressed by the modals can and could. You can tell your students to write sentences of their own to express the same functions using the same modals.
Column A
Column B
1. Can you hear what he’s saying?
2. We could build a culture of peace by being more tolerant.
3. Contrary to what some people think, women can be tall
and strong.
4. "I’ve hurt her feelings. What shall I do ?"
"Well, you could apologize to her."
5. I wonder if you could come here and talk it over.
6. At the age of 17, you can take your driving licence
with your parents’ consent, but you can’t vote.
7. Don’t lean out of this window; you could fall down.
8. Can I help you?
a. ability
b. possibility
c. possibility
d. suggestion
e. request
f. permission
g. warning
h. offer

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:20   رقم المشاركة : 8
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Act. Two (p.42)
Before the students start doing the activity, make sure you simulate requests with the ******** exponents given in the textbook. Put emphasis on the new forms: I wonder if ..., Do/would you mind ....?
Act. I
Your students can be asked to bring out print-outs of other abbreviations/acronyms from the Internet to the classroom. They will make a synthesis of the major organisations concerned with peace and human relief all across the world and make a classroom wall sheet . You can check the pronunciation of the acronms/abbreviations in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English or in the Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Encyclopedic Dictionary. Please remember that some of the abbreviations/acronyms can stand for various organisations. Those suggested here are not necessarily the ones that your students will suggest.

Full form
United Nations Relief Works Agency
The UNWRA is the U.N organization which brings relief to people in need.

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:23   رقم المشاركة : 9
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American Broadcasting Company
ABC is one of the four most important TV channels in the United States of America.
Atomic bomb
A bomb which derives its destructive power from the rapid release of energy by fission of
heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb to be used was dropped on Hiroshima , Japan on 6 August 1945 by the USA.

Agency for International Development
British Broadcasting Corporation
Central Intelligence Agency
Cable News Network
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federation Internationale de Football Association (International Association Football Association)
Great Britain
Great Britain comprises ...
Middle East Broadcasting Company
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
National Basketball Association
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Doctor of Philosophy

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:25   رقم المشاركة : 10
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Parent-teacher Association / Passenger Transport Authority
United Kingdom
World Boxing Association

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:26   رقم المشاركة : 11
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Act. Two (p.43)
Brainstorm the major concepts that can related to peace and war in the classroom by making a word map. Then assign the words as dictionary entries to be completed at home in the way suggested in the textbook. You will check the students’ work in the classroom. Here are some words related to peace and war : violence, treaty, consensus, discussion, dialogue, non-violence ...
Act. One (p.44)
Ask questions about the picture. e.g., Who are the girls in the picture? They are school girls? Where are they? How do you know? Do they look happy? ... It is not necessary to get the right answers at this stage.
Act. Two (p.44)
The students will check some of the predictions they have made in Act.One.
Act. Three (p.44)
The questions included in this activity will allow the students to identify the actors, the situation, the topic of discussion and to provide a summary of the dialogue they have listened to. These questions are related to the listening strategy of not trying to know every single word when listening to conversation .
a- two classmates
b- in the classroom (see the picture)
c- Leila is upset; she’s angry with Maya.
d- Yes, it is.
e- Maya has made fun of her friend Leila in front of her classmates. Leila is angry with her. At last, Maya feels sorry for what she has done.
Act. Four (p.44)
No, I did’t. ( Stress falls on the auxiliary.)
Yes, you
did.( Stress falls on the auxiliary.)
I ? ( Stress falls on the personal pronoun.)
did . (Stress falls on the auxiliary.)35
Act. Five (p.45)
Simulate the snippet for your students before they act it out. They can play a variation on the snippet.
YOUR TURN (pp.45-46)
Go through the tip box before moving on to the next activities. Relate the information in the tip box to the comprehension questions in activity three.
Act. One (p. 45)
The answers are not necessarily the ones given in this answer key.
A- Your partner: Sorry, I should have asked for your permission.
B- Your partner: He shouldn’t have done that.
C- Your partner: He shouldn’t have borrowed it without your permission.
D- Your partner: I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.
Act. Two (p.46)
B- D
C- D
Have your students write similar sentences to express deduction and obligation.
WRITE IT UP (pp.46-47)
Brainstorm the difficult vocabulary in the box before setting the students to task. Refer the students to the Grammar Reference n° 9 on page 198 before you set them to task.
Possible key
- We have to tolerate difference.
- We
have to respect each other.
- We
have to keep cool.
- We
shouldn’t shout at each other.
- We should learn to listen to each other.
- We mustn’t impose ourselves on others.
- We
shouldn’t cheat at exams.
- We
should accept the opinions of others.
- We
shouldn’t insult others.
- We needn’t /don’t need to always agree with each other.
- We
don’t have to be violent.
should settle disputes peacefully.36
Act. Two (p.46)
Possible acrostics
Pay more attention to others.
E: Engage in non-violent compaigns/actions.
A: Act peacefully.
C: Collect signatures to end war and violence in the world.
E:Express disagreement for conflicts.
D: Do actions according to the law of your country.
E: Engage in campaigns for the freedom of speech.
M- Make protest against anti- social measures.
O: Organise yourselves in committees to fight against injustice
C: Collect funds for the election of your candidate.
R: Respect the rights of others.
A: Act against poverty.
C: Care about the homeless.
Y:Yell out your solidarity with people in need of justice.

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:28   رقم المشاركة : 12
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Act.Three (p.47)
Work hard
Respect the opinion of others
Tolerate differences
Respect the rights of others
Promote a culture of peace
Co-operate to solve problems

Express opinions
Meet together to express views
Free education
Good working conditions
Health care

The class charter can be presented in the form of a wall sheet. Refer the students to the text on page 56 ( Exploring matters further).
Suggested answers:
Article One: Rights
Children have the right to get free education.
b- Children have the right to meet together to express views.
c- The school autuorities must offer good working conditions.
d- The school autuorities mustn’t discriminate among children.
e- The parent-Teacher Association has the right to express opinion about the educational policy.37
Article Two: Duties and Responsibilities
We have the duty to respect the opinions of others
b- We must work hard.
c- We shall tolerate differences.
d- We mustn’t be the cause of school disorder.
Act. One (p.48)
Interact with your students by asking questions about the picture. You can add other questions to the checklist.
a- The picture represents a slave ship. ( Please, talk about slave trade.)
b- I think that the ship is in Africa, and it is going to America.
c- Geoge Washington, first U. S President ; July 4th, 1783: Independence Day; Abraham Lincoln ( US President) ; 1861-1865 : American Civil War; Martin Luther King Jr 1963. One of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement;
August 1963, March of 200,000 people on Washington DC to demand racial equaliry. (Discuss further these points in class monitoring the discussion towards racial issues in the US.)
Act. Two (p.48)
Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the Black American leaders of
the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. ( The students can suggest other
b- He hoped/wished his children to be free from racial prejudice.
c- The author/Martin Luther King repeats words, phrases and ideas: "I have
a dream", "one day","we’ll be able to"…
He uses an oratorical style in order to stimulate his audience; to get the
audience to feel the injustice of racial discrimination and segretation .
d- Yes, because it is full of hope. (The students can suggest other ideas.)
Act. Three (p.49)
The aim of this activity is to develop the students’ dictionary skills.
: speech or talk to an audience.
Can: ability or capacity to do something
Spiritual: a religious song as sung by Negroes in the USA.
Choice of words from the speech: character n. 1- ( of a person, community, race,…etc) mental or moral qualities that make one person ,race, etc different from others; 2- moral strength; 3-person who is well known; 4- letter, mark used in a system of writing or printing.

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قديم 2009-12-04, 11:29   رقم المشاركة : 13
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اذا اردت المزيد فاطلبه و افيدك ان شاء الله .وشكرا

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قديم 2010-01-02, 21:58   رقم المشاركة : 14
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الصورة الرمزية abdoumacro


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من فضلكي أختيfilalo نريد المزيد ان أمكن ذلك طبعا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2010-01-07, 22:09   رقم المشاركة : 15
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Act. Three (p.66)
Plants must be protected. /¸/
can’t be replaced by man-made converters . /k.¸mb./ 45
They shouldn’t be cut down. /©ªmbi¸/
Act. Four
Brainstorm the topic with your students before they describe the process in question.
YOUR TURN (p.67)
Act. One (p.67)
Make sure your students pronounce the modals in the correct way.
a. We mustn’t hunt animals in danger of extinction.
Animals in danger of extinction
mustn’t be hunted.
b. We shouldn’t throw recyclable objects.
Recylable objects
shouldn’t be thrown away.
c. We should stop desertification.
should be stopped.
We can divide pollution into four types.
can be divided into four types.
e. We may group alternative energies in five categories: wind, solar, biomass and hydro-electric .
Alternative energies
may be grouped in five categories: ...
f. We must protect our human resources.
Human resources
must be protected.
TIP BOX (p.67)
Go through the tip box before you move on to the activity in the Write it up rubric.
WRITE IT UP (p.68)
Interact with the students using the picture. The students will identify the different parts of the solar home and their functions. Explain the difficult vocabulary if necessary.
Ladies and gentlemen....
During winter, ouside air is captured by warm glass roof panels. Then,
warm air
is forced down into a water tank by an air handling unit.
Next, the water in the tank
is heated and greater quantities of warm water
air are released. The hot air
is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in
under-floor area. After that, warm water rises through floor registers to the

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الساعة الآن 23:41

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