world English - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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المواد الأدبية و اللغات كل ما يخص المواد الأدبية و اللغات : اللغة العربية - التربية الإسلامية - التاريخ و الجغرافيا -الفلسفة - اللغة الأمازيغية - اللغة الفرنسية - اللغة الأنجليزية - اللغة الاسبانية - اللغة الألمانية

في حال وجود أي مواضيع أو ردود مُخالفة من قبل الأعضاء، يُرجى الإبلاغ عنها فورًا باستخدام أيقونة تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة ( تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة )، و الموجودة أسفل كل مشاركة .

آخر المواضيع

world English

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2014-01-12, 14:09   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو

Mh04 world English

في عآلم اللغة الإنجليزية
أقدّم لكــم :
1/ الأفعال الشائعة :

The 100 most commonly used verbs in English

accept يوافــق
He asked her to marry him, and she accepted
allow يسمـــح
Don't allow your children to raise their voice
ask يســأل
If you don't know the answer, ask your friend
believe يعتــقد - يؤمــن
I believe that most students don't like reading
borrow يستعـير
I went to the library to borrow some books
break يكسر - يقطع
The boy broke his leg whan he fell down
bring يحضــر
Bring your notebooks with you next time
buy يشــتري
I don't have enough money to buy a new car
can/be able يستـطيـع
Sami can (is able to) speak English for five minutes
cancel يلــغي
The meeting was cancelled because I didn't come
change يغير- يتغير
My chair was broken, so I changed it
clean ينظف
Your room is very nice. You clean it everyday
comb يمشط – يسرح شعره
The girl combed her hair quickly, and went out
complain يشكو من- يشتكي
The workers complained about the shortage of food
cough يسعل - يكح
He has got cold. He coughs a lot
count يعــد - يحسب
No one can count the stars of the sky
cut يقص - يقطع
This cloth is large. Cut it into two parts
dance يرقـص
In the party, we had dinner, listened to music, and danced
draw يرسم
The child is able to draw a beautiful picture
drink يشرب
I am thirsty. I think I want something to drink
drive يقود (سيارة)
It is a good thing to drive slowly on the curved roads
eat يأكل
I am hungry. I think I want something to eat
explain يوضح
I didn't understand your idea. Could you explain more
fall يسقط
Tree leaves fall in the autumn season
fill يملأ
We are travelling to a far place. We need to fill the tank
find يـجــد
I searched for my keys everywhere, but didn't find them
finish ينتهي من- ينتهي
After you finish reading, turn off the lights of the room
fix يصــلح
My computer printer doesn't work. I will have it fixed
fit يناسب - يطابق
The new suit fits the color of my shoes
fly يطـير - يسافر
Most birds can fly to very high distances
forget ينسى
I can't remember your name. I forgot it
give يعطي
I need a paper. Give me one, please
go يذهب
Students go to school every morning
have يملك
I have three books, three pens, and a ruler
hear يسمع
Raise your voice. I can not hear you clearly
hurt يجرح - يؤلم
My lungs hurt me whenever I cough
know يعرف - يعلم
Do you know where my brother went
learn يتعلم
I like English. So, I want to learn it
leave يغادر
Don't leave the class until you finish writing the exercise
listen يستمع (إلى)
I don't like listening to music in my room
live يسكن - يعيش
I live in Saudi Arabia, while John lives in the USA
look ينظر (إلى)
Look at the picture to find the bird
lose يخسر - يفقد
The football team lost three games and won four
make/do يعمل – يفعل – يقوم بـ
I made some mistakes when I did the exercise
need يحتاج
I am busy now. I need another person to help me
open يفتــح
When the class door is closed, don't open it
close/shut يغلــق
It is too cold here. Would you please close/shut the window
organize ينظم – يرتـب
The room is untidy. You should organize your things
pay يـدفع
You have to pay $10 for the ticket to watch the game
play يلـعب
My brother and I like playing computer games


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-12, 14:18   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو


أهم آلصــفـآت

small / littleصغير
loudمرتفع (صوت)
hardصلب أو قاسي
youngشاب أو صغير السنّ
oldكبير السنّ
highعالٍ أو مرتفع
lowواطئ أو منخفض
generousكريم أو سمِح
trueحقيقيأو صحيح
falseخطأ أو زائف

lightخفيف أو فاتح (لون)
darkغامق أو معتم (لون)
closed / shutمغلق
tightمشدود أو ضيّق
emptyفارغ many
عديد أو عدّة
interestingممتع أو مثير للاهتمام
unluckyمشؤوم أو سيء الحظّ
unimportantغير مهمّ
nastyبغيض أو شرير
unpleasantغير سارّ
رهيب terrible

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-12, 14:28   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو


Answer: يجيب (past = answered)

The students answered the teacher’s questions

arrive: يصل إلى مكان (past = arrived)
We arrived home late

ask: يسأل (past = asked)
You must ask if you want to know something

become: يصبح (past = became)
The weather became colder last night

begin: يبدأ (past = began)
The movie starts after 15 minutes

believe: يصدق (past = believed)
The mother believed her child because he said the truth

break: يكسر (past = broke)
The window broke into pieces

bring: يجلب (past = brought)
The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes

build: يبني (past = built)
They are building houses in that area

buy: يشتري (past = bought)
I bought a new red dress for the party

call: ينادي (past = called)
He called for help but no one heard him

carry: يحمل (past = carried)
The monkey carried her baby on her back

catch: يمسك (past = caught)
The dog caught the ball in its mouth

change: يتغير (past = changed)
In Autumn leaves change from green to brown

close: يغلق (past = closed)
Close the windows and keep out the cold air

come: يأتي (past = came)
The little girl came running to her mother for sympathy

continue: يستمر (past = continued)
The fighting continued for a week before the enemy was defeated

cost: يكلف (past = cost)
It will cost you $500 to fly to Paris

cry: يبكي (past = cried)
She cried with grief when she hard news of her friend’s death

cut: يقطع (past = cut)
Don’t cut your fingers on the broken glass

die: يموت (past = died)
My love for you will never die

do: يفعل (past = did)
What are you doing now

drink: يشرب (past = drank)
One should drink water everyday

eat: يأكل (past = ate)
Tigers eat meat

end: ينهي (past = ended)
He ended his letter with good wishes to the family

enter: يدخل (past = entered)
Please do not enter without knocking on the door

explain: يشرح (past = explained)
John explained how to use the telephone

fall: يقع (past = fell)
The clock fell off the ****f

feel: يشعر / يحس (past = felt)
I can feel his heart beatings

fight: يتعارك (past = fought)
People usually fight for the independence of their countries

find: يجد (past = found)
I can’t find my boots

finish: ينهي (past = finished)
When do you finish your college course

fix: يصلح (past = fixed)
My father fixed the water tap

get: يحصل على (past = got)
I got a letter today

give: يعطي (past = gave)
You gave him money and he wasted it

go: يذهب (past = went)
I must go to school

grow: ينمو (past = grew)
She won’t have her hair short, she’s letting it grow

happen: يحصل / يحدث (past = happened)
A funny thing happened today when they were practicing

Have: يملك (past = had)
He has a nice car

hear: يسمع (past = heard)
I can hear someone knocking

Help: يساعد (past = helped)

The stick helps him to walk

hold: يمسك / يحمل (past = held)
She’s holding the baby in her arms

hope: يأمل / يتمنى (past = hoped)
We’re hoping to visit France this year

hurt: يؤذي (past = hurt)
He hurt his leg when he fell

keep: يحفظ / يبقي (past = kept)
Please keep this for me until I come back

know: يعرف (past = knew)
I know how to swim

laugh: يضحك (past = laughed)
He laughed silently to himself

learn: يتعلم (past = learned)
He is learning how to play the drums

leave: يترك / يغادر (past = left)
When shall we leave for the party

let: يسمح (past = let)
She lets her children play in the street

like: يحب (past = liked)
I don’t like to be unhappy

listen: يستمع (past = listened)
Listen to the music and don’t make noise

live: يعيش (past = lived)
If he goes on driving like a madman he won’t live long

look: ينظر (past = looked)
We looked at him jumping

lose: يخسر (past = lost)
I have lost my book

love: يحب (past = loved)
He loves playing the piano

make: يعمل (past = made)
He made a cup of tea for the guests

mean: يعني (past = meant)
What does that French word mean

Meet: يلتقي (past = met)
I met him on the street

move: يتحرك (past = moved)
The prisoner was tied so tightly that he couldn’t move hand or foot

need: يحتاج (past = needed)
You need to learn the value of money

open: يفتح (past = opened)
The shop opens at 10
pay: يدفع
He paid 2 pounds for that book

plan: يخطط (past = planned)
She planned to do some work this afternoon

put: يضع (past = put)
You put too much salt in this food

rain: يمطر (past = rained)
It is raining heavily this night

read: يقرأ (past = read)
I can read French but I can’t speak it

ride: يقود (past = rode)
Can you ride a bicycle

run: يركض (past = ran)
He ran to catch the bus

say: يقول (past = said)
What did you say

see: يرى (past = saw)
It was so dark that he could hardly see

sell: يبيع (past = sold)
There are many dishonest voters who sell their vote to whoever pays most

send: يرسل (past = sent)
If you need money, I’ll send it

sit: يجلس (past = sat)
If you can’t find a seat you’ll have to sit on the floor

sleep: ينام (past = slept)
He likes to sleep an hour in the afternoon

speak: يتكلم (past = spoke)
He was too ill to speak

stand: يقف (past = stood)
I couldn’t get a seat on the bus, so I had to stand

start: يبدأ (past = started)
He started poor but quickly became rich

stay: يبقى (past = stayed)
I stayed late at the party last night

stop: يتوقف (past = stopped)
We stopped working at teatime

study: يدرس (past = studied)
He studies medicine

take: يأخذ (past = took)
John took second place in the race

talk: يتكلم (past = talked)
Students are not allowed to talk in class without permission

teach: يُدرِس م يُعلِم (past = taught)
I teach English for intermediate classes

tell: يخبر (past = told)
You promised that you won’t tell anyone about my secret

think: يفكر (past = thought)
We should think of a solution for this problem

touch: يلمس (past = touched)
Don’t touch the oven it is very hot

try: يجرب (past = tried)
Lama had to try the dress before she bought it

turn: يلف / يتحول (past = turned)
The wheel turned slowly

use: يستعمل (past = used)
The cameraman uses a new type of films

wait: ينتظر (past = waited)
Don’t wait for me tonight I will stay out late

walk: يمشي (past = walked)
We walked together in the fields hand in hand

want: يريد / يرغب (past = wanted)
My grandma wanted to see me

wash: يغسل (past = washed)
Parents should tell their children to wash their hand before they eat

watch: يشاهد (past = watched)
We are watching a horror movie at this moment

work: يعمل (past = worked)
Don’t disturb your father because he is working

write: يكتب (past = wrote)
Sue wrote a letter to her friends

understand: يفهم (past = understood)
I cant understand him when he behaves so badly

visit: يزور (past = visited)
Tom has to visit his friend in the hospital

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-12, 15:02   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو


الروابط الشائعة
مرة اخرى
and then
وبعد ذلك
الى جانب ذلك
equally important
مساوي له في الأهمية
in addition

اضافة الى ذلك
in the first place
في المقام الأول


***المقارنة والإستدراك contrast

على الرغم من أن although
مع ذلك and yet
وفي نفس الوقت at the same time
لكن في نفس الوقت but at the same time
على الرغم من ذلك despite that
رغم ذلك even so
لكن But
بالرغم من أن even though
على الرغم من كل ذلك for all that
على النقيض من ذلك in contrast
على أية حال however
بالرغم من in spite of
بدلا من ذلك instead
على الرغم من هذا nevertheless
على الرغم من notwithstanding
على العكس on the contrary
من جهة أخرى on the other hand
ماعدا ذلك otherwise
بغرض النظر regardless
مازال still
مع أن though
رغم ذلك yet

التأكيد emphasis
بالتأكيد certainly
بالفعل indeed
في الحقيقة in fact
بالطبع of course

*****أمثلة وتوضيحات example or illustration

كتوضيح as an illustration
على سبيل المثال for instance
مثلا for example
في الحقيقة in fact
بمعنى أخرى in other words
باختصار in short
إنها حقيقة it is true
يعني namely
بالتحديد specifically
أي أن that is
لإيضاح to illustrate
هكذا thus
في الحقيقة truly

الاختصار summary
لكي نلخص to summarize
معا altogether
كما قيل as has been said
باختصار in brief
في الختام in conclusion
بمعنى آخر in other words
على الأخص in particular
باختصار in short
بكلمات ابسط in simpler terms
بإيجاز in summary
في الكل on the whole
أي أن that is
لذلك therefore
نصغها بشكل آخر to put it differently

سلسلة الوقت time sequence

عندما when
بعد ذلك afterward
مرة أخرى again
أيضا also
وبعد ذلك and then
طالما as long as
أخيرا at last
بعد وقت قصير after a while
في ذلك الوقت at that time
قبل before
إلى جانب ذلك besides
في وقت سابق earlier
في النهاية eventually
أخيرا finally
سابقا formerly
ابعد further
علاوة على ذلك furthermore
إضافة إلى ذلك in addition
في المركز الأول in the first place
في الماضي in the past
أخيرا last
مؤخرا lately
في هذه الأثناء meanwhile
التالي next
الآن now
في الوقت الحالي presently
ثانية second
في وقت قصير shortly
منذ since
إلى الآن so far
قريبا soon
مازال still
بعد ذلك subsequently
ثم then
فيما بعد thereafter
أيضا too
حتى until
حتى الآن until now
بعد After

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-12, 16:54   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
*عطر الجنة*
عضو فعّال
الصورة الرمزية *عطر الجنة*


إحصائية العضو


بارك الله فيك وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتك
شكرا على جهودك

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-14, 23:46   رقم المشاركة : 6
معلومات العضو
الميستر حشيشة
عضو مميّز
الصورة الرمزية الميستر حشيشة


إحصائية العضو


مجهود لا يستهان به .. مشكورة

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-15, 15:59   رقم المشاركة : 7
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو


العفــــو بوركتم

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-15, 17:20   رقم المشاركة : 8
معلومات العضو
عضو محترف
الصورة الرمزية هاجر**


إحصائية العضو


لا يمكنكي تخيل كم أفدتني
برك الله فيك

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014-01-20, 14:21   رقم المشاركة : 9
معلومات العضو
منار العلم
عضو برونزي
الصورة الرمزية منار العلم


إحصائية العضو


وفيــك بركــــــ♥ـــــة

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الانتقال السريع

الساعة الآن 07:07

المشاركات المنشورة تعبر عن وجهة نظر صاحبها فقط، ولا تُعبّر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى
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