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Martin, P.O., Galéa, Y., Bitar, D., Demarco, T. (2006). “Poutres cellulaires acier et mixtes : partie 2 proposition de
nouveaux modèles analytiques de calcul de la fleche”. Construction Métallique n°2.
ECSC (2002). “Lateral torsional buckling in steel & composite beams”, project n° ECSC 7210-PR-183.
ECSC (2004). “Large Web Openings for Service Integration in Composite Floors”, Project n°7210-PR-315.
Authors: Radić, Ivan; Markulak, Damir; Varevac, Damir
Title: Numerical Simulation of Lateral Stability of Castellated Beams
Source: EUROSTEEL 2008, 5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures / Ofner, Robert ; Beg, Darko ; Fink, Josef ; Greiner, Richard ; Unterweger, Harald (ed). - Graz : ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork , 2008. 1593-1598 (ISBN: 92-0147-000-90).
Merci d'avance