Who can help me to translate this paragraph - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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Who can help me to translate this paragraph

موضوع مغلق
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قديم 2013-05-20, 18:41   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
عضو مجتهـد
إحصائية العضو

17 تم ترشيح إجابة مفضلة Who can help me to translate this paragraph

hi guys & girls

how you doing today

i need some help from you to translate this short story from arabic to english , anyone here can help

القصة : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ان الناس قديما، ومن فرط عزة النفس والكبرياء عندهم أنهم لا يمدّون ايديهم لاحد بسبب الجوع او الفقر، بل يفضلون الموت على ذلك. وكانت هذه العزة بالنفس تتجسد في الموقف التالي: كانت فترات الجفاف عندما تحل بمكان تؤثر على المحصول الرئيسي عندهم كمجتمع امازيغي زراعي (القمح والشعير)، فكان الجميع يخزن من هذا المحصول لفصل الشتاء ليقتات منه داخل كهفهحيث يقل الخروج في فصل الشتاء القارص البرودة، ولكن بعض الاسر لا تتمكن احيانا من جمع هذا القوت، ليصل فصل الشتاء ويبدأ الناس في الاختباء، فيعرف رب الاسرة ان محصوله هذه السنة لن يكفيه فصل الشتاء، ولن يجد مكانا يبتاع منه قوت ابنائه، وبالطبع لن يمدّ يده لطلب المساعدة من احد حتى اصدقائه لأن ذلك عار كبير!

بالنسبة للامازيغي، يفضل الموت دون ذلك، فيبدأ باغلاق باب بيته او كهفه الجبلي من الداخل وذلك ببنائه بالحجارة واغلاقه نهائيا! ليكون الكهف او الحجرة نفسها هي بمثابة القبر الجماعي للعائلة، مخافة ان تضعف انفسهم بفعل الجوع ويمدوا ايديهم للناس،

وكشفت الحفريات الاثرية هذه الحقيقة باكتشافها لكهوف مغلقة من الداخل بداخلها هياكل عظمية بشرية يبدو انها ماتت موتا بطيئا وهي في اماكنها، واكتشفت هذه الحفريات في اكثر من موقع وهي عادة امازيغية قديمة.

ولكن يحكى في هذه القصة او الاسطورة الشعبية ان تغييرا طرأ على هذه العادة، حيث كانت في يوم ما فتاتان صديقتان لدرجة الأخوّة، وحدث ان عائلة احدى هاتين الصديقتين كانت مضطرة للقيام بنفس التقليد وذلك لان محصولها هذه السنة من القمح والشعير كان سيئا ولن يكفيها فصل الشتاء، وذلك يعنى الموت البطيئ. فأتت هذه الفتاة التي من المفترض ان مصيرها هو الموت المحتوم داخل الكهف لان والدها لن يرضى بأن يمد يده لاحد طلبا للحياة، أتت لصديقتها لتودعها الوداع الاخير الذي لا لقاء بعده. لم تصدق الفتاة الاخرى هذا الخبر الذي وقع عليها وقع الصاعقة، فخطرت ببالها فكرة سريعة وهي ان تساعد صديقتها دون ان يعلم والداهما بذلك، وهي بأن اتفقتا على حفر ممر صغير بين كهفيهما لتمد به الاولى لصديقتها مايكفيهم من طعام حتى حلول الربيع. وفعلا نجحت الخطة وعاشت العائلة ولم تمت حتى خرجت في الربيع، استغربت العائلة ذلك وقالت ان هذه ماهي الاالبركة، واستغرب الناس من ذلك وقالو ان ماحدث لا بد وأن يكون معجزة .

ولكن الفتاتين ردتا على ذلك بقولهما ان ماحدث ما كان ليحدث لولاالتعاون . أعجب الناس بالفكرة وبشجاعة هاتين الفتاتين وموقفهما الأنساني، بأنقاذ عائلة من براثن الجوع وانقاد الصداقة التي بينهما من الزوال, وبدأ الناس بحفر الممرات بين الكهوف تحت الارض وابتياع و تبادل السلع والغذاء والاهم من ذلك التعاون ضد فصل الشتاء.



أفضل جواب - كتبه syrus
First of all i have to put forward some remarks about the story .

The story in Arabic was badly written both on syntactic and narrative level . i hope you take more attention to the narrative style and avoid repetitions ... my translation is a little bit different from the original text you posted above .

geographically speaking the Berbers didn’t have a freezing winter if compared with people in the north, and i don’t think they were obliged to live the whole winter in caves . in addition, people lived in caves mainly in periods where agriculture was not discovered yet, and there was no place in the world where people needed to hide inside caves all the winter, even in the Arctic region, people can go out in winter. and there is no archaeological evidence proving the existence of such practice and cult of suicide, and if you have a reliable source talking about it i will be so thankful if you can direct me to it . however i didn't change the passage about the discoveries in your text . i didn't want to alter the general plot , but i found it necessary to make this notes .

the suggested translation :

In ancient times, people used to be too much proud that they would rather prefer to die than to ask for charity or help , and this sense of pride was exemplified in the following story ... once upon a time , in a land where people had to work very hard in the summer to get enough food for the harsh winters , seasons were not stable, and in periods of drought the poor harvest wouldn’t be enough to feed the entire family, and there were not surplus for sale. And to ask others for food is considered as a big shame.

needy people would prefer to starve to death , so they would seal off the door or the entrance of the cave from inside with stone bricks and the room or the cave becomes a collective grave for the family . they do this to prevent themselves to change their minds in moments of weakness .

Archaeological excavations have recently revealed the existence of such caves with human skeletons of people who have suffered slow death . this discoveries found in several loca-tions, and these deaths could be the result of an ancient Berber practice.

But according to a popular legend , this practice came to an end after a particular event ... it is told that two girls used to be very close friends , and it came to pass that a family of one of them had to follow the above-mentioned practice after a poor harvest . the entire family had to face the inescapable slow death inside their cave , so their daughter went to her friend for a last farewell . her friend was in shock and wanted to do something to to rescue the whole family , so she got the idea of digging a tiny tunnel between their caves so she can supply her with the food for the winter period, and the plan worked well and the family survived . the family got surprised and thought that is was a blessing and people said it was a boon, a real miracle.

But the two girls uncovered the truth behind what happened and explained to them that this wouldn’t happen without the solidarity . people liked the idea and admired the courage of the two girls and their human attitude , they saved a family from death and saved their friendship , and since then people began to dig underground passages between their caves and exchange food and put hand in hand against winter .

قديم 2013-05-21, 18:43   رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
العضو المميز لسنة 2013 
إحصائية العضو


First of all i have to put forward some remarks about the story .

The story in Arabic was badly written both on syntactic and narrative level . i hope you take more attention to the narrative style and avoid repetitions ... my translation is a little bit different from the original text you posted above .

geographically speaking the Berbers didn’t have a freezing winter if compared with people in the north, and i don’t think they were obliged to live the whole winter in caves . in addition, people lived in caves mainly in periods where agriculture was not discovered yet, and there was no place in the world where people needed to hide inside caves all the winter, even in the Arctic region, people can go out in winter. and there is no archaeological evidence proving the existence of such practice and cult of suicide, and if you have a reliable source talking about it i will be so thankful if you can direct me to it . however i didn't change the passage about the discoveries in your text . i didn't want to alter the general plot , but i found it necessary to make this notes .

the suggested translation :

In ancient times, people used to be too much proud that they would rather prefer to die than to ask for charity or help , and this sense of pride was exemplified in the following story ... once upon a time , in a land where people had to work very hard in the summer to get enough food for the harsh winters , seasons were not stable, and in periods of drought the poor harvest wouldn’t be enough to feed the entire family, and there were not surplus for sale. And to ask others for food is considered as a big shame.

needy people would prefer to starve to death , so they would seal off the door or the entrance of the cave from inside with stone bricks and the room or the cave becomes a collective grave for the family . they do this to prevent themselves to change their minds in moments of weakness .

Archaeological excavations have recently revealed the existence of such caves with human skeletons of people who have suffered slow death . this discoveries found in several loca-tions, and these deaths could be the result of an ancient Berber practice.

But according to a popular legend , this practice came to an end after a particular event ... it is told that two girls used to be very close friends , and it came to pass that a family of one of them had to follow the above-mentioned practice after a poor harvest . the entire family had to face the inescapable slow death inside their cave , so their daughter went to her friend for a last farewell . her friend was in shock and wanted to do something to to rescue the whole family , so she got the idea of digging a tiny tunnel between their caves so she can supply her with the food for the winter period, and the plan worked well and the family survived . the family got surprised and thought that is was a blessing and people said it was a boon, a real miracle.

But the two girls uncovered the truth behind what happened and explained to them that this wouldn’t happen without the solidarity . people liked the idea and admired the courage of the two girls and their human attitude , they saved a family from death and saved their friendship , and since then people began to dig underground passages between their caves and exchange food and put hand in hand against winter .

قديم 2013-05-21, 19:12   رقم المشاركة : 3
معلومات العضو
عضو مجتهـد
إحصائية العضو

M001 شكرا جزيلا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة syrus مشاهدة المشاركة
first of all i have to put forward some remarks about the story .

the story in arabic was badly written both on syntactic and narrative level . I hope you take more attention to the narrative style and avoid repetitions ... My translation is a little bit different from the original text you posted above .

geographically speaking the berbers didn’t have a freezing winter if compared with people in the north, and i don’t think they were obliged to live the whole winter in caves . In addition, people lived in caves mainly in periods where agriculture was not discovered yet, and there was no place in the world where people needed to hide inside caves all the winter, even in the arctic region, people can go out in winter. And there is no archaeological evidence proving the existence of such practice and cult of suicide, and if you have a reliable source talking about it i will be so thankful if you can direct me to it . However i didn't change the passage about the discoveries in your text . I didn't want to alter the general plot , but i found it necessary to make this notes .

the suggested translation :

in ancient times, people used to be too much proud that they would rather prefer to die than to ask for charity or help , and this sense of pride was exemplified in the following story ... Once upon a time , in a land where people had to work very hard in the summer to get enough food for the harsh winters , seasons were not stable, and in periods of drought the poor harvest wouldn’t be enough to feed the entire family, and there were not surplus for sale. And to ask others for food is considered as a big shame.

needy people would prefer to starve to death , so they would seal off the door or the entrance of the cave from inside with stone bricks and the room or the cave becomes a collective grave for the family . They do this to prevent themselves to change their minds in moments of weakness .

archaeological excavations have recently revealed the existence of such caves with human skeletons of people who have suffered slow death . This discoveries found in several loca-tions, and these deaths could be the result of an ancient berber practice.

but according to a popular legend , this practice came to an end after a particular event ... It is told that two girls used to be very close friends , and it came to pass that a family of one of them had to follow the above-mentioned practice after a poor harvest . The entire family had to face the inescapable slow death inside their cave , so their daughter went to her friend for a last farewell . Her friend was in shock and wanted to do something to to rescue the whole family , so she got the idea of digging a tiny tunnel between their caves so she can supply her with the food for the winter period, and the plan worked well and the family survived . The family got surprised and thought that is was a blessing and people said it was a boon, a real miracle.

but the two girls uncovered the truth behind what happened and explained to them that this wouldn’t happen without the solidarity . People liked the idea and admired the courage of the two girls and their human attitude , they saved a family from death and saved their friendship , and since then people began to dig underground passages between their caves and exchange food and put hand in hand against winter .

شكرا عزيزي، رائع جدا أنت يا رجل ... فعلا اوافقك في كل كلمة قلتها ، القصة أصلا مترجمة من الأمازيغية للغة العربية و المترجم لم يكن دقيقا على ما اعتقد، كما ان القصة مبالغ في حبكتها قليلا ، لأنه بالفعل لا توجد اقوام تعيش في كهوف طيلة الشتاء و كأنهم في سبات ، الترجمة راائعة و ملاحظاتك أروع، شكرا أخي ، بارك الله فيك.

فقط سؤال آخر : هل يمكن ان تساعدني في ترجمة قصص قصيرة من هذا النوع، في أوقات فراغك بالطبع

قديم 2013-05-22, 18:23   رقم المشاركة : 4
معلومات العضو
العضو المميز لسنة 2013 
إحصائية العضو


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة oussama25constantine مشاهدة المشاركة
شكرا عزيزي، رائع جدا أنت يا رجل ... فعلا اوافقك في كل كلمة قلتها ، القصة أصلا مترجمة من الأمازيغية للغة العربية و المترجم لم يكن دقيقا على ما اعتقد، كما ان القصة مبالغ في حبكتها قليلا ، لأنه بالفعل لا توجد اقوام تعيش في كهوف طيلة الشتاء و كأنهم في سبات ، الترجمة راائعة و ملاحظاتك أروع، شكرا أخي ، بارك الله فيك.

فقط سؤال آخر : هل يمكن ان تساعدني في ترجمة قصص قصيرة من هذا النوع، في أوقات فراغك بالطبع
العفو صديقي ... بخصوص المساعدة في الترجمة , ربما قد افعل إذا كان لدي الوقت . لكن إذا كنت ترغب في تعلم اللغة فالافضل أن تحاول الترجمة بنفسك ثم عرض النص للمراجعة ...

قديم 2013-06-01, 23:54   رقم المشاركة : 5
معلومات العضو
english girl
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية english girl


إحصائية العضو


really i like your translation
may Allah bless you

موضوع مغلق

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