إليكم ماكتبت في ساعة حزن my feeling now - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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في حال وجود أي مواضيع أو ردود مُخالفة من قبل الأعضاء، يُرجى الإبلاغ عنها فورًا باستخدام أيقونة تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة ( تقرير عن مشاركة سيئة )، و الموجودة أسفل كل مشاركة .

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إليكم ماكتبت في ساعة حزن my feeling now

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قديم 2012-03-23, 16:03   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي إليكم ماكتبت في ساعة حزن my feeling now

Wait me flocks; I wanna immigrate with you but without return in Spring, hey birds stop, please, I beg you, can you hear me! Wait me wait me ………
It's my dream, you know what? My dream is to make my dreams come true, like everyone I have a dream. Luther said that and I say it too "I have a dream" his dream was the peace between black and white people, children play, study, laugh……together, the black kiss the white and the white kiss the black. ( I love the romantic school)..
I know how beautiful is this dream, he's soooo lucky, his dream come true not like us when we fix it from a side the other side explode ; ouuuuf But it's life and we have to live it as the God write in our paper it's the destiny. I wish you, yes you who are reading my words now please read between lines, I wish you could see the beauty , the clarity , the love in life, so choose love or leave, two words one is great, the other is sad but you have to select one of them, I know I repeat the words and the sentences such as Taha Husein ( just laugh) the sadness kill me, eat me alive, laugh baby because my tears will run down my checks, I can't laugh, my dream was to see the beauty and the clarity; but what clarity in sky the half side is foggy, I have a heart ( I think), this stupid heart has two sides, the first is white, the second is black no dark can describe the meaning. Hey, don't be silly, you can understand what I mean, such as the moon when we see it from above; above; aboooove , we would touch it and enjoy when we observe it. I have a big mouth so the point is who am I? a human" I don't think" , a stupid may be , , a naive yes I think no I'm sure ( Ich bin sicher). I trust and trust but it takes a long time. Imagine the sky is blue, the sun shine, the rainbow, the voice of water and birds, close your eyes. Stop thinking you take a long time and you make me feel so sad, the fog comes, the clouds cover the sun; the rainbow disappear, the wind blow very strongly, and you're the flower try to stay resistant forever, in world when no colors, no beauty, no love, no rainbow, try to feel me; the words will chocke and shake me , I can't breath, because I can't talk, only my heart do but inside, and my face feel with it when it speak outside when its colors change " yellow.. red..green..darl"and my lovely black ben write everything in my dirty stupid mind, really I feel into the trap, yes I still need a slap .
Now I hear my sister say "it's too late" , yes she's right , I need to embrace someone, I need a warm bosom just for a second, I wanna feel the confidence, but where, when, with who, why and how? I deserve the death or a strong slap make me forget everything but I have memories that I can't forge tit, feel me; I'll explode, I wanna cry until my eyes dry, I would scream outside not inside.


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الساعة الآن 13:41

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