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Award time … so congratulation to our special members
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
2013-08-20, 17:24 | رقم المشاركة : 1 | ||||
Award time … so congratulation to our special members
Salam every one !! Well, it's award time, time to honor our esteemed special members, who worked hard in the few last months. It's the time to give them back for their great subjects and their unique way of communication with others. Of course there are many other who deserve such a badge, but this time we just choosed three special members, so congratulation to : Hillin انتصار1995 Karim-Rap-4-Life They deserved the badge of special person, So, congratulation, We wish you more of success, and much of creativity, thank you for your special work !! That's not the end, we have two more gifts to two members for their remarkable presence in this group, and the winers are: spy4me kiki So, congratulation you two, your gift is 1000 points for your remarkable presence, and we wish you more creativity. Thank you ! In the end we will give 600 points to aliass for her creativity even she is a new member. So congratulation to all our winers for this time, and we wish good luck to the rest. Honestly, you all deserve some gifts, because you all worked hard, but this time we choosed those members, and the next time maybe it will be your turn, so keep in touch with our forum, and try to work hard more, try to explode your energy and show us your creativity. Together we can make this forum a better place to learn & to have fun. May Allah bless you all brothers & sisters. Salam!
آخر تعديل أحمد بوفاريك 2013-08-20 في 17:29.
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award, congratulation, members, spécial, time |
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