Pray for my mother, She's gone now - منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب

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Pray for my mother, She's gone now

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2013-05-17, 17:01   رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية Sadinne


إحصائية العضو

B11 Pray for my mother, She's gone now

Hey there everyone

So, my mom got really sick about two weeks ago, she spent tend days in the hospital, and today, it's been a week since she passed way

In the begining of this year all me & my familly including my mother thought about nothing but my bac exam, everyone was expecting me to have the best results & be a doctor & whatever, but no one thought that three weeks before my bac my mother would leave me

I must admit it's a bit hard, all of my sisters & brothers are married in different wilaya's & I'm home alone with my bigger brother & my father

Today everyone went home, & I cam home to find myself alone, I keep seeing her everywhere around the house, every corner has a memory of her smile, her voice...I called out her name, but I got no response

My mother was an amazing woman, she was always satisfied with whatever god gave her, no matter how little it was, she was always willing to give, to forgive, to help...I've never seen anyone quite like her, she really was unique

My mother's "departure" is definitely going to leave a big whole in my life, but overall hamdoulilah, she did not suffer, she left no enemies, she never complained, even when she knew she was headed straight towards death, "Hamdoulah" is the only thing she kept on saying

What I want to ask all of you in this forum, is to remember my mother in your prayers & ask Allah to forgive her sins, & welcome her into his paradise, please, now that she is gone all that I can do is pray & ask others to pray for her

The second thing I want to ask you to do, is that no matter how bad your relationship with your mothers might be, try to make it better, because belive me once your mother is gone, you'll miss everything even the little things, even the things that used to
annoy you

For example, when I used to be late, she would call me, or send someone to look for me, or sometimes she would go out herself to find me, & I used to get so angry about it saying that I'm not a kid anymore, but now I know that no one will worry about me like she did, weither I'm late or not, no one will care

Take care of your mothers, kiss them, hug them, ask for their forgiveness cause if they pass away, you'll always wonder if they've forgiven you or not, don't hurt them, go out with them, watch tv with them, talk to them, listen to them, spend as much time as you can with them, cause right now I'd kill & die for 5minutes with her, for a kiss, a hug...Just to see her smile again

Buy them things when you have money, even a bottle of water, a piece of candy...Anything to let them know they're on your mind, no matter how small the gesture is, believe me they will appreciate it

Take their pictures, make videos with them, record their voice...You'll never know if you can get to see them "Live" again

No I understand why the prophet said "Oumouka, Oumouka, Oumouka" Islam doesn't say meaningless things

Please again, remember my mother in your prayers & Duaa she really needs it, & ask god to give me patience & success in my
bac exam for that is all I have left now

If you still have your mother, rabi y3ayachehalek, you have no idea how lucky you are...I never realized it, untill a week ago, but when I did, I was no longer that lucky anymore


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