prophet muhammed sala allaho 3alayhi wa salam built his masjid in the first year of hijra upon his arrival o madinah on an area estimated at about 1050 meter sequar .since then the masjid witnessed nine expansins ; the first was at the time of the prophet
currently the total area encompasses 400.000 meteres squar with a capacity of one million people ,the masjid has 4 floors for worshippers , 10minarates ,82 gateways ,and 24 escalators with state- of -theart air conditioning, lightening ,and control system
the masjid includes the noble room (house aisha) where the prophe and his two companions ,abu bakr and omar ,are buried ;it also includes the noble Rawda of which the prophet narrated ''between my house and my pulpit there is aarden of the gardens of paradise.'' AL MADINA IS CONSIDERED A PLACE OF SANCTITY JUST AS MECCA the prophet said ''it is a safe is a safe sanctuary'