منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - مساعدة ترجمة
الموضوع: مساعدة ترجمة
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2014-03-02, 19:48   رقم المشاركة : 27
معلومات العضو
أم احمد3
عضو متألق
إحصائية العضو


شكرا بارك الله فيك

انا قليلة الفهم في الانجليزية
لكن ساحفضها

بما ان الفصة صغيرة
هناك قصة فتاة تحولت لارنب
قد ادمجها معها كي اتمكن
وهنا في مقدمة الموضوع او بنهما ماذا ساكتب علما ان الفتاة كانت عادية و حدث ان حولتها
لارنب ثم ارنب سوبر
اكتب لي اسمك الحقيق ادرجه في المسابقة ان اردت


NASNOOSA The Rabbit Girl
Nasnoosah, a normal very
beautiful young girl, lives with her
family. She has three brothers.
They love her, and she loves them.
She doesn’t know that the fate hide
too many things for her. She grew
up secured in a family full of warm
feelings towards her. Especially of
her position as young spoiled girl,
so she got all the love of her
brothers and parents.
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
One Day, the night was too cold,
and the snow was falling heavily,
Nasnoosah slept in her warm bed,
on a mattress made out of silk,
when she deeply slept, she heard in
her dreams a sound, she woke up,
looked around the room, but she
did not see a thing.
After searching around the room
with her eyes, she returned to
sleep. She used to wake up
whenever she heard a voice until
the morning came..
In early morning Nasnoosah
found a small rabbit in front of the
door, she was going to school, but
it was diseased, the weather was
severe on him. He was very small
to bear cold of the night. She took
the rabbit and began to cry,
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
because he was so small and young
, and no one helped him outside.
The next night she went to sleep in
her warm bed, on the mattress
made of silk. As usually did every
night. But this time she dreamed a
strange fearful dream, she saw in
her dream, the a big rabbit speaks
to her saying: I am the mother of
the small dead rabbit you saw in
front of the door this morning, and
I am accusing you of responsibility
of his death, because you did not
take care of him, when he was so
young he asked for your help, but
you did not answer him, you
neglect his request. Because your
heart was so hard on him,
therefore, I will be hard on you.
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
She woke up, looked around, but
she saw nothing, she thought that
she heard something, therefore, she
thought she was dreaming as usual.
The mother came back in her
dreams, saying, because your heart
was solid, and hard you did not
hear the small rabbit. The animals
voices can be hear in dreams, but
not in reality, but if you wake up
and wished to help him, you will
open the door without even waking
up. And I will punish you,
Nasnoosah was afraid. Then the
old rabbit left her very sad and
She thought in herself, how the
revenge of a rabbit would be?????
I don’t know.
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
Another night came, as every
night, Nasnoosah dressed to sleep,
she got into her warm bed, but she
did not sleep. She can’t sleep, if
she wishes. Until midnight,
something unexpected happened.
Nasnoosah saw her self becoming
a rabbit, her face transformed into
rabbit’s face, her teeth look like
rabbit’s teeth, she has white
mustaches like rabbits, her skin
was covered by fir or white
feathers until she became a rabbit
in the size of human being.
Nasnoosah did not know what to
say or do. Her dress became tight
on her body, she felt crazy of
herself when she looked herself in
the mirror, she began to cry, she
woke up and remain awake until
morning, then she returned to her
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
normal shape. But she was a rabbit
almost all night, while the old
rabbit was watching her, and see
how she will act to see failure by
her eyes, and may be to Satisfy
herself watching the disaster fall
on Nasnoosah.
Every night, Nasnoosah was
getting through the same dream,
she transforms to a rabbit in her
room, and no body knows of that
transformation. One night, the old
mother rabbit showed herself to
Nasnoosah, and sais:
How are you Nasnoosah, the
rabbit? Did you found how you
look in the skin of a rabbit?
Nasnoosah replied: you transform
my life into a nightmare. In spite
of my knowledge that it was
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
impossible. I did nothing to your
son small rabbit. I believe that you
are one who should be responsible
of his death.
The mother rabbit said: how
Nasnoosah said: where you have
been when your son rabbit get out
of home to the nowhere? Did you
take care of him? Did you wam
him up and save him?
The mother rabbit felt shame, guilt
and pain, and began to cry. The
mother rabbit said:
He went out without my attention,
his brothers also went out too, and
no one told me of their departure.
When I woke up, I did not find
him, but I heard his voice calling :
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
open the door… when I reached
him, he was in the last minute of
his life, he told me that he was
sorry, I tried to warm him up, but
he died after asking my
forgiveness of what he did. I
forgave him, and forgave me for
my fault to secure him from cold.
I know how much you are sorry,
but I am not responsible of his
death, you accused me wrongly of
guilt. Nasnoosah remarked.
The mother rabbit: it is true, you
are not responsible of my son
rabbit. I was wrong to accuse you.
I was in faolt. But now I can’t
return you to a human. But I will
advice you how to do it, and give
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
you something to defend your self
against dangers.
In the next morning, Nasnoosah
woke up, optimistically feeling
somehow, she used to see her self
as a rabbit in her new look every
night, she began to relax, and
accept her self as a rabbit. It was
difficult matter at the start, but she
was active in the morning. She felt
that she has a hidden power inside
her makes her running as rabbits,
jumping high as rabbits to the
sky,she also discovered new
habits, such as the ability to run
fast, and doing too many new
useful things.
At night, when midnight comes,
she decided to get out to the
outside world in her new rabbit
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
shape, but she covered her face, in
order to be unknown from others,
she tried to get more abilities to
make her distinguished from
others. She made her self a friend
of the weak persons, defends the
poor and catch the naughty night
rubbers and corrupted people. She
made her self also a friend to all
peaceful people and she spent her
time at night to do good. But she
was asking her self: How can I
marry in the future???
And who will marry a woman
Nasnoosa: The Rabbit Girl- Samra al Aidi
About the writer
Samra al Aidi is one of the Arab women writers
from Algeria. She was born in 1975 at al Buwairah
Samra was fond of writing in early age. She was
interested in family and social issues. After
becoming a mother as women all over the world,
she sailed in the literary ocean, writing about her
dreams, hopes, and fears as well as her children’s
good and healthy future.

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