منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - ملتقيات علمية خاصة بعلوم الطبيعة و الحياة ( البيولوجيا و البيوتكنولوجيا - الفلاحة - البيئة...)
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2013-05-13, 17:50   رقم المشاركة : 325
معلومات العضو
عضو مشارك
الصورة الرمزية zeinouba


إحصائية العضو

افتراضي International Plant Breeding Congress

International Plant Breeding Congress


Instructions for Abstract submission

Abstracts can be in any of the congress langues. If abstract submitted in Arabic, Russian and Turkish, an English translation of abstract is requested. Abstracts shall not exceed 250 words written in MS Word or a compatible format. State the name(s) of author(s) [the name of presenting author should be underlined], institute, city, country and email address shall be provided via e-mail as attached file. Abstract submissions will start on April 1st 2013 and will end September 20th, 2013. Absract submissions can be made to the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee through Congress web page. Corresponding author can indicate whether he/she wants to present his/her paper as oral or poster. The corresponding author shall register for congress in following 15 days after his/her abstract’s acceptance. Otherwise, the abstracts will not be included in the program. All accepted abstracts will be published in a special Book of Abstracts and/or in CD. Accepted abstracts will be made available on Congress web page after acceptance. The last day of the publishing of the abstracts on congress web page is 20th October 2013. The final version of congress program will be on the web page 15 days before beginning of the Congress.
Review of the abstracts

Abstracts will be reviewed by the at least three members of the Scientific Committee of the congress. If corresponding author has already made a selection between oral or poster, it will be considered by the reviewing team. If submissions are not accepted as oral presentation, the corresponding author will have the opportunity either to accept poster presentation or withdraw his/her submission. All reviewing process will take almost two weeks.
Full manuscripts

Full papers, selected among the oral presentations by the Scientific Committee will be published in Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics after congress.

General Information

The congress will be organized by Plant Breeders Sub-Union of Turkey (BİSAB) together with Turkish Plant Breeders Association (TUBID), Turkish Seed Union (TURKTOB), ECO Seed Association (ECOSA), along with other such national and international organizations. The congress will be under three different sections as field and horticultural crops and genetic resources. It is intended that the subjects should be kept broad in order to provide opportunity to the science community to present their work as oral or poster presentations that can be off value for plant breeding.

As there have been many different scientific meetings around the world, we intended to bring three different community together, namely science, research and private investment, in a friendly environment of Antalya / Turkey to share what they have and get benefit from each other.

BISAB is a young organization established in 2008 as being the legal representative of Turkish Plant Breeders. Anybody who runs a breeding program is becoming member to BISAB. Further information about BİSAB is available in BISAB web page www.bisab.org.tr
“Local Organizing Committee”

consist of

Plant Breeders Sub-Union of Turkey
Turkish Plant Breeders Association
Turkish Seed Union
ECO Seed Association
Faculty of Agricultures of Universities
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Politics of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock


The Congress will take place in WOW Topkapi Palace Hotel in Antalya, Turkey. https://www.wowhotels.com/wowtopkapipalace.asp

Congress will cover following subjects:

Conventional Breeding
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Genetic Engineering and Genomics
Genetic Resources for Pre-Breeding


Official ********s of the Congress are Arabic, English, Russian and Turkish. Simultaneous translation on these ********s will be during the congress.
Instructions for Abstract Submission

Abstracts could be in any of the congress ********s. If abstract submitted in Arabic, Russian and Turkish, an English translation of abstract is requested. Abstracts shall not exceed 250 words written in MS Word or a compatible format. State the name(s) of author(s) [presenting author should be underlined], address and email address shall be provided via e-mail as attached file.

Abstract submissions will start on April 1st and will end September 20th 2013. It could be made to the Organizing Committee Secretariat by e-mail.

Corresponding author should indicate whether wants to present his/her paper as oral or poster. The author shall register for congress in following 15 days after his/her abstract’s acceptance. Otherwise, the abstracts will not be included in the program. All accepted abstracts will be published in a special Book of Abstracts and/or in CD. Accepted abstracts will be made available on Congress web page after acceptance. The last day of the publishing of the abstracts on congress web page is 20th October 2013. The final program will be on the web page 15 days before the Congress.
Review of the Abstracts

Abstracts will be reviewed by the at least three members of the Scientific Committee of the congress. If corresponding author has already made a selection between oral or poster, it will be considered by the reviewing team. If submissions are not accepted as oral presentation, the corresponding author will have the opportunity either to accept poster presentation or withdraw his/her submission. All reviewing process will take almost two weeks.
Full Manuscripts

Full papers, selected among the oral presentations by the Scientific Committee will be published in Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics after congress.
Registration Fees

Registration fees include access to scientific sessions, the congress abstract book or CD, the congress materials and all coffee breaks. Since the hotel price where the congress takes place is all inclusive no extra charge will be asked for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Registration fees are:
Before September 6th After September 6th
Students 100 € 150 €
Regular Participants 200 € 250 €
Accompanying Persons 75 €
Onsite registration 300 €

Please consider that the registration fee does not include accommodation, transfer and excursions. In case of cancellation, refunds are possible until September 20th, 2013, except for a handling fee of 50 € for regular participants / students; full refunding for accompanying persons. No refunds are allowed after September 20th, 2013. Payments can be made via credit card, EC card, and bank transfer. Congress registration could be made by web page and sending e-mail by registration form.

رد مع اقتباس