المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : My mom

2011-08-22, 14:49

you are the start in the black night


you are the person who tell me the right

if i was happy or sad

if i feel good or bad

i understand

you are with me always

good days and bad days

so i prefer you more than any thing

every where every when every thing[/B

2011-08-22, 17:35
ya you get the right forever my mother

2011-08-22, 19:03
Mother ,the biggest gift of Allah to us
Mother, the candle burn herself to light our life
Mother, the other name of kindness
Mother, who gave us her heart...her very soul.
Mother, the one who dried our tears.
Mother is mother no one can take her place

Mother, you will always remain, in our
hearts, in our deeds, in our thoughts,
in our lives and in our prayers

i love you mom

that's me
2011-08-23, 01:41
mother , my everlasting love
"mother" a word better than any poem
mother you are the best thing happend to me
mother you will be always my love
mother you will be always my life
mother you. will :)be always...........my mother

2011-08-23, 12:25

2011-11-26, 10:22
I love you mom......................