المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : "a disappointment"

2011-08-14, 23:02
i cried yesterday...........waiting for you everyday............waiting for a hand wipping my tears......and a warm heart lesses my fears........i needed your shoulder to cry on.....and to show me a safe way to go on.....but......you disappointed me.........and you went away from me.......i never expected this from you.......i'll continue my way without you.......and i'll never be waiting for you..................

2011-08-15, 00:56
continue your life dear with conefidence in your self and don't waiting any one to give you his hand So don't cry
over who does not care for you there are those who love you

good words


2011-08-15, 11:10
Hi every body,dear life is beautiful and you've to enjoy only the sweetest moments from it.Allah gave us something that we sometimes blame ourself why we forget but believe me it's a gift and we need it in such situations
you're strong and i know you'll surpass it
Let by gones by by gones
My best wishes

2011-08-15, 13:52
good ...keep on coming

❀عنْفُوَاפּ طُمُوحْ❀
2011-08-15, 18:09
good words

2011-08-15, 19:00
thank u every body for ur coments.all what i want to say is when i write a poem .it doesn't mean m talking about myself or it's real .no most of my poems r imaginary ones.as i like writing sad poems although m happy in my life.this is my way of writing perhapes because m a very sensitive person.i feel others when suffering.however thank u for ur kindness.

2011-08-16, 00:04
dont let any one broke your heat the life is too short so enjoy ............

2011-08-16, 20:36
thank u nidhar it's just a poem.i like the life as m so happy.thank u for ur comments