المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Hope

the fly boy
2011-06-29, 16:17

You who think tht ya lost any chance lost any hope
You think ya became sad n ya r out of da luck scope
You c tht da world became black get more tight
Ya can't find any way out ya can't continue da fight
You can't go on in this darkness there's no light
There's no hope up there there's only this tragic sight
Ya look around ya n ya find no one next 2 you
You feel tht no one cares like no one beside you
Your heart is full of pain full of sadness n u r hopeless
You try to search for the luck try to find the happyness
That luck which never showed up luck never came up
You pretend you r fine ya smile ya laugh from outside
But ya cry ya r depressed in ur heart there in the inside
Ya try to stand up on ur feet n ya take a try over try
But ya fail all ya get is the cry nottin else but the cry
Ya wanna feel safe ya wanna feel happy feel so fly
Ya wanna let da pain go on take off all da poison ashy
Tell ya wht ma dear friend or tell ya wht ma brother
There's always way out there always new chances
Never lose hope don't give up coz ya av too many fans
I'm your fan n so as your cool dear friends
Tht ppl who always will give ya their hands
ppl always ready to feel all ur heart's blanks
just a smile from em enough 2 take da pain away
just a laugh from em will take off all ur ashy
with out forgetin your biggest fans all the time
Your Family
They r wit ya since da beginin all long all tht time
brother there's no unlucky or unhappy person here
ya gotta think again make all your choices clear
brother don't ya ever forget the only one
Allah is always near to us always proctin us
Allah our light our guid there's no need 2 guess
When ya r in need Allah is the one who help you
When ya r hungry Allah is the one who feed you
When ya ask Allah is the one who always give you
When ya r in danger Allah is the one who can save you
When ya feel tight Allah is the one who release you
When everybody ignore ya… Allah always beside you
When ya r homeless Allah is the one who ****ter you
As long as ya trust in urself n trust in Allah
Belive me
Nottin gonna hold ya back
Life is so hard so bad
Life is also so easy so good
written by : The Fly Boy

n this is d link of d video tht I made 4 this little poem

2011-06-29, 20:27
i like it brother , you are talented really , the ideas and the manner are great , i wish you all the best in your career,

the fly boy
2011-06-30, 10:48
thx sis
I appreciate ur passing by

the fly boy
2012-06-19, 21:33
I hope tht every muslim reach his hope

2012-06-19, 21:58

I know i'm being annoying by all my replies.. but I can't help but writing something after reading those words

I got tears in my eyes after reading them.. this is really really beautiful what you gave us this time

i'm definitely a big fan of your writings (I know I'm making this so long.. but just go along with me I told you I can't help it. I really needed those wrods today) I wish we had more memebers who write the same way

maybe you should just write your own book of poems and try to publish it

it would be great if you could benifit more readers

ok, ok I'll stop now, hh

may Allah be with you, brother

bless ya

I forgot to say thank you!.. so Thank you very much


little marizzel
2012-06-19, 22:12
dis s so ill bro
i m kinda a rapper too
do u have a fb account if u do i think we can make a song together

the fly boy
2012-06-19, 22:13
Hey again sis Kiki
Wallah by ur replies i still writin
you know ur replies encourage me to write
coz as I told u b4
just one person is enough to understand the message
and wht will be good is if tht person dilever it to another one n so on
coz I really wish from ma deep heart tht my messages would even give a little
push to the ppl
I wish just the good to every muslim
btw this one is old
coz the 1st time i put a poem here I felt tht like no one care
but by some ppl like u I started publishin ma poems here

the fly boy
2012-06-19, 22:16
thank you brother
yh I have
all ma poems r there too
it is Wolf Chou
ma profil pic is a lil child holdin
palestine flag

the fly boy
2012-06-19, 22:22
I wrote this for one of ma friends who
were depressed n feel unhappy

2012-06-20, 10:28
Nothing fits with this lovely poem than this picture

the fly boy
2012-06-20, 10:38
Thank you
I appreciate it

قمر البتول
2012-06-21, 12:33
thnx bro for this poeam
it's amazing

the fly boy
2012-06-21, 19:48
Thank you Sister
appreciate ur passin by