المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : programmation matlab

2011-01-28, 16:58
salut j n sais pas prkoi ya pas des gens qui s'interesse au traitement d'image ? j cherche la programmation en matlab svp aidez moi !!!:cool:

2011-01-29, 19:21
Traitement d'image en Matlab

Image display

colorbar - Display colorbar (MATLAB Toolbox.
getimage - Get image data from axes.
image - Create and display image object (MATLAB Toolbox)
imagesc - Scale data and display as image (MATLAB Toolbox).
immovie - Make movie from multiframe indexed image.
imshow - Display image.
montage - Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage.
subimage - Display multiple images in single figure.
truesize - Adjust display size of image.
warp - Display image as texture-mapped surface.
zoom - Zoom in and out of image or 2-D plot (MATLAB Toolbox).
Image file I/O:
imfinfo - Return information about image file (MATLAB Toolbox).
imread - Read image file (MATLAB Toolbox).
imwrite - Write image file (MATLAB Toolbox).
Geometric operations:
imcrop - Crop image.
imresize - Resize image.
imrotate - Rotate image.
interp2 - 2-D data interpolation (MATLAB Toolbox).
Pixel values and statistics.
corr2 - Compute 2-D correlation coefficient.
imcontour - Create contour plot of image data.
imfeature - Compute feature measurements for image regions.
imhist - Display histogram of image data.
impixel - Determine pixel color values.
improfile - Compute pixel-value cross-sections along line segments.
mean2 - Compute mean of matrix elements.
pixval - Display information about image pixels.
std2 - Compute standard deviation of matrix elements.
Image analysis.
edge - Find edges in intensity image.
qtdecomp - Perform quadtree decomposition.
qtgetblk - Get block values in quadtree decomposition.
qtsetblk - Set block values in quadtree decomposition.
Image enhancement.
histeq - Enhance contrast using histogram equalization.
imadjust - Adjust image intensity values or colormap.
imnoise - Add noise to an image.
medfilt2 - Perform 2-D median filtering.
ordfilt2 - Perform 2-D order-statistic filtering.
wiener2 - Perform 2-D adaptive noise-removal filtering.
Linear filtering.
conv2 - Perform 2-D convolution (MATLAB Toolbox).
convmtx2 - Compute 2-D convolution matrix.
convn - Perform N-D convolution (MATLAB Toolbox).
filter2 - Perform 2-D linear filtering (MATLAB Toolbox).
fspecial - Create predefined filters.
Linear 2-D filter design.
freqspace - Determine 2-D frequency response spacing (MATLAB Toolbox).
freqz2 - Compute 2-D frequency response.
fsamp2 - Design 2-D FIR filter using frequency sampling.
ftrans2 - Design 2-D FIR filter using frequency transformation.
fwind1 - Design 2-D FIR filter using 1-D window method.
fwind2 - Design 2-D FIR filter using 2-D window method.
Image transforms.
dct2 - Compute 2-D discrete cosine transform.
dctmtx - Compute discrete cosine transform matrix.
fft2 - Compute 2-D fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).
fftn - Compute N-D fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).
fftshift - Reverse quadrants of output of FFT (MATLAB Toolbox).
idct2 - Compute 2-D inverse discrete cosine transform.
ifft2 - Compute 2-D inverse fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).
ifftn - Compute N-D inverse fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).
iradon - Compute inverse Radon transform.
phantom - Generate a head phantom image.
radon - Compute Radon transform.
Neighborhood and block processing.
bestblk - Choose block size for block processing.
blkproc - Implement distinct block processing for image.
col2im - Rearrange matrix columns into blocks.
colfilt - Perform neighborhood operations using columnwise functions.
im2col - Rearrange image blocks into columns.
nlfilter - Perform general sliding-neighborhood operations.
Binary image operations.
applylut - Perform neighborhood operations using lookup tables.
bwarea - Compute area of objects in binary image.
bweuler - Compute Euler number of binary image.
bwfill - Fill background regions in binary image.
bwlabel - Label connected components in binary image.
bwmorph - Perform morphological operations on binary image.
bwperim - Determine perimeter of objects in binary image.
bwselect - Select objects in binary image.
dilate - Perform dilation on binary image.
erode - Perform erosion on binary image.
makelut - Construct lookup table for use with applylut.
Region-based processing.
roicolor - Select region of interest, based on color.
roifill - Smoothly interpolate within arbitrary region.
roifilt2 - Filter a region of interest.
roipoly - Select polygonal region of interest.
Colormap manipulation.
brighten - Brighten or darken colormap (MATLAB Toolbox).
cmpermute - Rearrange colors in colormap.
cmunique - Find unique colormap colors and corresponding image.
colormap - Set or get c olor lookup table (MATLAB Toolbox).
imapprox - Approximate indexed image by one with fewer colors.
rgbplot - Plot RGB colormap components (MATLAB Toolbox).
Color space conversions.
hsv2rgb - Convert HSV values to RGB color space (MATLAB Toolbox).
ntsc2rgb - Convert NTSC values to RGB color space.
rgb2hsv - Convert RGB values to HSV color space (MATLAB Toolbox).
rgb2ntsc - Convert RGB values to NTSC color space.
rgb2ycbcr - Convert RGB values to YCBCR color space.
ycbcr2rgb - Convert YCBCR values to RGB color space.
Image types and type conversions.
dither - Convert image using dithering.
gray2ind - Convert intensity image to indexed image.
grayslice - Create indexed image from intensity image by thresholding.
im2bw - Convert image to binary image by thresholding.
im2double - Convert image array to double precision.
im2uint8 - Convert image array to 8-bit unsigned integers.
im2uint16 - Convert image array to 16-bit unsigned integers.
ind2gray - Convert indexed image to intensity image.
ind2rgb - Convert indexed image to RGB image (MATLAB Toolbox).
isbw - Return true for binary image.
isgray - Return true for intensity image.
isind - Return true for indexed image.
isrgb - Return true for RGB image.
mat2gray - Convert matrix to intensity image.
rgb2gray - Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale.
rgb2ind - Convert RGB image to indexed image.
Toolbox preferences.
iptgetpref - Get value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.
iptsetpref - Set value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.
dctdemo - 2-D DCT image compression demo.
edgedemo - Edge detection demo.
firdemo - 2-D FIR filtering and filter design demo.
imadjdemo - Intensity adjustment and histogram equalization demo.
nrfiltdemo - Noise reduction filtering demo.
qtdemo - Quadtree decomposition demo.
roidemo - Region-of-interest processing demo
