المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Way to hope

الماسة البنفسجية
2010-10-14, 15:48
we have many dreams and wishes
but if we want t acquire them
we must be deligents
maybe we will be wrong or be fail
but we mustn't be unefficient
we must tryand try
not stay and cry
because crying is not the solution
we must trust in ourselves
annd try try till success
and acquire our dreams
with this thing
:19:life will be sweet

2010-10-15, 08:57
very good but try to write your poems with rhymes ...good and keep going

الماسة البنفسجية
2010-10-15, 19:03
I just express my thoughts thank you brother for your encourage

2010-10-15, 21:21
nice thoughts girl go on

الماسة البنفسجية
2010-10-26, 10:33
thank you brother for your encrage

2010-10-26, 20:35
very good one u should carry on , i liked the ideas in it

الماسة البنفسجية
2010-10-29, 16:18
thank you a lot sister

2010-11-13, 21:14
thanks sis

2011-01-10, 18:58
اطلب ولا تضجر من طلب
فافة الطالب ان يضجرا
الم ترى ان الحبل لطول تكراره
في الصخرة الصماء قد اثرا

علي الجزائري الحر
2011-02-03, 20:53
جزاك الله خيرا
جعله الله في موازين حسناتك
موضوع قيم
اخوك في الله محمد