المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : To the straight way

2010-08-19, 14:01
what to do , what to say
where to go to find the straight way
this world is worthless
no need to find the happiness
God please give us hope
give us light even from a lamp
God please show us the way
we need you to show us the light
i'm sure that as long as we pray
we can find the way even in a dark night
this life is worth to fight
fighting to find out the light
as long as we pray
we can't loose the way
as long as we're near to Allah
as long as we love Allah
He can leade us to the way
He will answer every single prayer
God is great and he may
He is our merciful Master
He listens to us when we pray
God is glorious because He is the Maker
May God protect us and guide us
give us strenght and faith to pass

ali gourgache
2010-08-19, 14:34
it's good work ........i like it.......i wish allah may lead us to the straight way.thanks and Never give up!!!!!Ramdhan kareeeeeeeeeeeeeeem

2010-08-20, 14:52
bravo bravo ...my finger can't write a comment because i can't comment on master piece

you are excellent

may god keep you safe

Ramadhan kareem

2010-08-20, 17:07
so good
thanks sis

2010-08-23, 13:22
thx a lot guys God bless you all