المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كتاب متميز في دلفي باللغة الإنجليزية من جزئين

2007-12-09, 20:42
:19: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :19:
ها انا اعود من جد
حاملا معي كتاب
من الكتب المميز في لغة الدلفي
وهذا الكتاب باللغة الإنجليزية
وهذه لمحة عن الكتاب في servers Server Models
There are two ways to build TCP servers, with command handlers and the OnExecute event.
Command handlers make building servers much easier, but do not suite all situations.
Command handlers are suited to protocol which exchange command in **** format, but are not suited
to protocols which have a binary command structure or no command structure. Most protocols are ****
based and command handlers can be used. Command handlers are completely optional. If not used,
Indy servers still support the old methods of use. Command handlers are covered in more detail in the
command handlers section .
Some protocols are binary or have no command structure and are not suited for command handlers.
For such servers the OnExecute event should be used. OnExecute occurs repeatedly as long as the
connection is alive and passes the connection as its argument. A very simple server implemented
using OnExecute might look like this:
procedure TformMain.IdTCPServer1Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread);
LCmd: string;
with AThread.Connection do begin
LCmd := Trim(ReadLn);
if Same****(LCmd, 'QUIT') then begin
WriteLn('200 Good bye');
end else if Same****(LCmd, 'DATE') then begin
WriteLn('200 ' + DateToStr(Date));
end else begin
WriteLn('400 Unknown command');
There is no need to check for a valid connection as Indy does that automatically. There also is no
need to perform any looping as Indy will also do that for you. It call the event repeatedly until there is
no longer a connection. This can be caused either by an explicit disconnect a shown above, by a
network error, or by the client disconnecting. In fact, no looping should be done as it might interfere
with Indy's disconnect detection. If looping must be done internally to this event special care must be
take to allow such exceptions to bubble up to Indy so that it can handle them as well.

وهذه هي الوصلة :
صلي على حبيبنا المصطفى

2007-12-31, 21:18
بارك الله فيك
جاري التحميل . . .

2008-03-11, 23:02

2009-03-04, 23:03
File Not Found

امير الجود
2009-03-19, 23:24
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
شكرا لك على الكتاب المميز بالتوفيق