المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : alone again

lilo rok
2009-12-08, 08:30
Sorry I had to take off my poem ,because I found members copying it in other websites and saying that they wrote it.

2009-12-08, 09:56
how romantic are you .. you ought to forget the pain and to see the life again , with colors thanks to share it with us .

lilo rok
2009-12-08, 13:07
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2009-12-11, 19:10
my god

what a miserable girl you are

i m so sorry for you

but in the other side

your poem is really owsome

go on sis

Darkness angel
2009-12-17, 21:15
hiiiiiiii girl
seems that u'r really sad
it's ok

2009-12-18, 11:17
Can I ask why are you miserable ?

Great poem by the way

lilo rok
2010-01-03, 11:55
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2010-01-03, 12:58
sorry to hear that , if you ever want somone to talk to , ask for me anytime

I'm always with you .... ok ?

2010-01-04, 17:42
i also like you..........and i have repeated these words several times..........i am alone....bacouse i really alone
:19::19:thank you sister for that poem......it's really wonderfull

lilo rok
2010-02-07, 17:00
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2010-02-07, 19:08
WAW... that hurts ... u reminded me of those ugly moments
but sorry I can't leave my comment cuz this too good for me
I lost all the words I got actually
all the best

2010-03-10, 20:14
hi dear.... ..I hope you are fine...I am so sorry for you... don't be sad...we are all here soooo you should not to be alone

by the way your poem is wonderful

lilo rok
2010-03-12, 11:31

2011-09-01, 12:26
life can be great only if we make it looks that way . just be happy we only live once. i like ur poem keep up the good work and good luck.