المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أنجليزية سنة أولى متوسط أسئلة الثثي الأخير

بختاتو أبو أصيل
2016-05-12, 05:36
Put the verb between arch into their correct form
1 – I (to practise )…………………………………tennis
2 – she ( to go )…………………………………..to the cinema
3- my father( to kiss)……………………… me
4 – she (to study)………………………….english
5- Amina (to play)…………………………… football
6- they (to succeed)…………………………… in thier execise
7 – we (to revise )…………………………..our lessons
8- he (to carry)………………………………… lot of things
9- she (to watch )………………………………….t.v
Put the following sentences into the negative form
1 – I eat an apple
2- she speaks english
2 - ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3 – we read abook
3- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4 – Iam algerian
5- he has a nice car
5- ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

I put the verb between brackets into their correct form
I ( to kiss )…………………………………….my mother they (to carry )……………………….
She (to kiss ) ………………………………….her mother We (to kiss )……………………….her mother
he (to kiss ) ………………………….her mother she (to do )………………………………… the works
he(to wash )……………………………………the clothes they (to do )………………………… the works
they(to wash )……………………………………the clothes
she (to wash )……………………………………the clothes
we (to wash )……………………………………the clothes he (to carry )…………………………
it (to wash )……………………………………the clothes
i (to do )……………………………… the works we (to play )……………………………………….music
we (to do )……………………………………………… the works
he (to do )……………………………………………… the works
i (to box )……………………………………………….the things
she (to box )……………………………………………….the things
we (to box )……………………………………………….the things
they (to box )……………………………….the things i (to watch )………………… …………….the film
she (to watch )………………………………….the film he (to play )…………………………………….music
they (to watch )……………………………………………….the film
he (to watch )……………………………………………….the film
i (to work )……………………………………………….. she(to work )………………………………………………..
Add one word to each list
Carpenter - Sking – april- near .

1- january - february - march -…………………………………..

2- football- tennis – baseball ……………………………………

3- teacher – doctor - painter …………………………………….

4- next to- far from – on the left ……………………………………….

Write the follwing sentence into the negative form
1 – Liza has one brother
2 - i am algerian
3- we speak english
4 – he speaks english
5- they work hard

ندى خضراوي
2016-10-18, 19:34
1 Liza has not 1 brather
2 i am not Algerai
3 We do not speak English
He does not speak English4
they do not wok hard 5

2016-11-26, 15:00
فيما يخص دروس الجيل التانى فى منهاج اللغة الانجليزية اجد انه هناك العديد من الاساتدة ومنهم انا نجد صعوبة فى الابقاء على سيرورة جيدة للدروس بحكم لا يوجد اولويات ومازال المنهاج جديدا

2018-01-15, 10:21
thank you very much

2019-08-21, 13:39
بارك الله فيك