المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : what you think about .....

2015-02-16, 19:26
i wanna ask u about what do you think about silence
what it means to you .. whats silence:D

2015-02-16, 19:36
i don't understand youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

romaissa tita
2015-02-16, 19:47
لم افهمك يا الاخت وضحييييييييييييي

دروب النجاح
2015-02-16, 19:56
what we think about the silent what? i didn't understand what you want

2015-02-16, 20:59
silence --< الصمت
what do you think on it
موضوع فلسفي .. تفلسفوا كيفما شئتم
but in english

2015-02-16, 21:35
Hello Aicha,
How are you?

I think that the silence is one of the conditions of the speech..!
What About you?

2015-02-16, 21:47
Silence,for me,is a l.a.n.g.u.a.g.e in itself

2015-02-16, 22:05
for me i think that silence is

another foreign-lang ! and its more effective than noices

if actions speak louder than words

well , even silence is the same

sometimes ; it could kill us because when

we hide all the emotions and the feelings

that we have , it will be a kind of

deppression and pain .

and sometimes silence could ... inspire us

we could be inspired by silence ..

how ??

when we have a personal sit with ourselves

when we try to figure out who we are

with another way

silence is a method to know ourselves

see you in another discussion

~نسآئم الصبآح ~
2015-02-17, 11:38
for me i think that silence is

another foreign-lang ! and its more effective than noices

if actions speak louder than words

well , even silence is the same

sometimes ; it could kill us because when

we hide all the emotions and the feelings

that we have , it will be a kind of

deppression and pain .

and sometimes silence could ... inspire us

we could be inspired by silence ..

how ??

when we have a personal sit with ourselves

when we try to figure out who we are

with another way

silence is a method to know ourselves

see you in another discussion

hi aicha
how re u

i agree with u

and i think that the silence is positive nd negative in the same time cuz
sometimes we must express our feelings loudly nd exchange the ideas
with other persons to get informations nd experiences

2015-02-17, 18:02
hi aicha
how re u

i agree with u

and i think that the silence is positive nd negative in the same time cuz
sometimes we must express our feelings loudly nd exchange the ideas
with other persons to get informations nd experiences

:rolleyes: btw MISSED you