المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طاولة دراسية تلاميذ 1 ثانوي انجليزيا

2013-07-14, 00:52
السلام عليكم

اليوم أردت وضع هذه الطاولة الخاصة بتلاميذ

السنة الاولى ثانوي

لمراجعة الدروس التي تصعب عليكم وهي

لمراجعة مادة الانجليزبا لحل تطبيقاتها وتمرينها ومراجعة دروسها

أرجو منكم التفاعل بالموضوع

2013-07-15, 10:31

〆 بٰٰاولو 乄
2013-07-15, 12:09
صحاا شوشو صفااا ♥♥ ++ مرسي بوكو ++ الله هيبارك النظام ربي يحفظك ويخليك لينا ان شالله

2013-07-15, 12:22
شكرا يعيشك خويا العزيز

كلمة و ابتسامة
2013-07-15, 12:26
انا معكم متى نبدا مشكووورة

〆 بٰٰاولو 乄
2013-07-15, 12:31
شكرا يعيشك خويا العزيز

حمد الله +++ العفووووو :):)

〆 بٰٰاولو 乄
2013-07-15, 12:32
انا معكم متى نبدا مشكووورة

أمممممممم غدوة ولااا

2013-07-16, 01:43
راني معاكم

2013-07-16, 01:48
have you any theme for discuss?

〆 بٰٰاولو 乄
2013-07-16, 18:18
have you any theme for discuss?

Regrettably there is no

مرام تيبازة
2013-07-16, 22:01
يا اخواتي انا معدلي شوي ضعيف و انا قاسوني علو و انا في الاصل كنت حابة ندير علوم

ختي تقلي ديري اداب و بابا يقلي ديري علوم

انا قلت في رايي ندير واش يخرج عليا

بصح علوم فيها مستقبل و اداب مفيهاش

المهم و المفيد الموضوع راه على مادة الانجليزية

انا جبت البيام و طلعت للسنة الاولى ثانوي

و منعرفش الانجليزية من ساسها لراسها كيما يقولو

انا نعرف الكلمات مي المعنى تاعهم منعرفوش

ارجوووووووووووكم تعطوني موضوع او برنامج تساعدوني فيه لحل المشكل

راني دايراتوا جبل فوق راسي

بليييييييييييييز ساعدوني في وجه ربي و مع رمضان و كامل لازم نصيب حل معاكم يا اخوات

2013-07-19, 23:18
يا اخواتي انا معدلي شوي ضعيف و انا قاسوني علو و انا في الاصل كنت حابة ندير علوم

ختي تقلي ديري اداب و بابا يقلي ديري علوم

انا قلت في رايي ندير واش يخرج عليا

بصح علوم فيها مستقبل و اداب مفيهاش

المهم و المفيد الموضوع راه على مادة الانجليزية

انا جبت البيام و طلعت للسنة الاولى ثانوي

و منعرفش الانجليزية من ساسها لراسها كيما يقولو

انا نعرف الكلمات مي المعنى تاعهم منعرفوش

ارجوووووووووووكم تعطوني موضوع او برنامج تساعدوني فيه لحل المشكل

راني دايراتوا جبل فوق راسي

بليييييييييييييز ساعدوني في وجه ربي و مع رمضان و كامل لازم نصيب حل معاكم يا اخوات

ساهل الحال
كاين دورة تعليم الانجليزيا

2013-10-25, 18:34
اخت مرام اذا كشما تسحقي راني هنا و بربي تتحسني المهم الحماس و حب المادة لخاطر انا كنت ما نعرفلهاش بصح قررت باه نولي ممتازة و دوكا الحمد لله اي حاجة نعرفها مع انا علمية بصح نموووت على الانجليزية

عمر البناري
2013-10-25, 19:27
thank you so much if you need eny thing izm here

2013-10-27, 18:26

عمر البناري
2013-10-27, 18:32
hi how are you

2013-10-27, 18:42
slaaaaam a3toni plis tmrin 1 p 23 fi longli wmerciii

2013-10-27, 18:45
Thankfully my brother
Thank you

عمر البناري
2013-10-27, 19:37
i m a girl this compte is for my father
sorry marambest we dont stasy it

2013-10-27, 19:43
ok kifkif 5to

عمر البناري
2013-10-27, 19:45
oui hhhhh wach nraj3o darss

2014-01-20, 18:15
hey guys we have to start

we have to revise lessons together

who is with me ??

for me the test of english is nearby

so let's start

2014-01-20, 18:24
if you want we can start with this test

Here is an email sent by Eliza, a South-African girl to an Algerian key- pal. Read it carefully then do the tasks that follow:
Dear Yasmine
I have found your email address on the internet this morning, and I am so pleased to correspond with an Algerian key- pal. Your country is getting more and more popular these days among the South- Africans, and we are proud of the qualification of your national squad for 2010 World Cup. I am eager to know more about you and your country. But I have to introduce myself first.
My name is Eliza. I am named after my grandmother who passed away seven years ago. Her death caused a terrible shock to me. I am 15 going on 16. I am a first- year student of Experimental Sciences at Nelson Mandela High School. I am quite tall and plump. I look a bit like my father. I have got his fair hair and dark brown eyes, but I have got my mother’s personality. I live in a so small, healthier, and mutually supportive family.
On weekdays, I always wake up early in the morning to do ablution and prepare myself for the Dawn prayer. I often take my breakfast at seven. After finishing the breakfast, I dress and go to school. I generally take the bus because it is a little bit far. I have classes from 8 to 11 in the morning and from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. I would like to be important in the near future. I want to get a job consistent with my speciality. I have a dream. I want to be a video-photographer for weddings and social ceremonies.
I live, together with my family, in Johannesburg, the richest city in South Africa. It is undergoing renovation since the early 2000‘s, motivated in its approach by the next World Cup Football championship. Johannesburg has about 710 000 inhabitants, a density of 1 962 inhabitants / km ². The city is known for hosting the Earth Summit2002 and the final FIFA World Cup to be held on Sunday, July 11. I hear a great number of Algerians will arrive in Johannesburg to support their national team. It would be a great surprise to see you among them. Never mind, the weather will be beautiful. Welcome! Eliza
A: Reading/Interpreting
.( Choose the items that best complete these sentences: (2pts
a. Eliza found Yasmine’s email address …a) in a daily newspaper. b) in a magazine. c) On the internet
b. Eliza feels: a) quite delighted b) not at all delighted to correspond with Yasmine
c. Eliza usually gets up: a) early b) late c) around 8 in the morning.
d. Eliza hopes to be: a) a dentist b) surgeon c) a video-photographer.
. mark the statements below as True or False. Quote from the email to correct the false ones.(3pts)
a. Eliza is a sixteen-year-old girl, with fair hair and light brown eyes
b. She resembles her mother, but she has got her father’s personality
c. With her small supportive family, she resides in Johannesburg, South Africa
3. Read paragraph 3.Pick out all the activities Eliza does on weekdays. List them from the most to the least frequent one: (2pts)
3. Read paragraph 4, then answer the questions below :(2pts)
a. How many inhabitants are there in Johannesburg?
b what is it famous for?
c. a great number of Algerians are expected to travel to Johannesburg .state the reason .
When will the Final FIFA World Cup 2010 take place

B: Text Exploration

1. Find in the text words or phrases that mean nearly the same as: (0.5pt)
a. exchange letters and messages= …………(&1) b. very happy =……………(&1)
2. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to0.5pt)
b. late=……………..(&3 ) a. Unknown#......................(&4)
3. Where appropriate, insert in the sentences below, the adverbs provided in parentheses: (1.5Pt)
a. Eliza is a familiar name in South Africa ( quite )
b. The school where she studies is far ( a bit )
c. she goes to school by bus (frequently )
4. Ask the question that the underlined item answers: (1pt)
a. She studies from 8 to 11 in the morning
5. Fill in each gap with one word so that the text makes sense: (2pts)
temperature - located - summer - east
The Republic of South Africa is …….. in the south of Africa, with a 2,798 km coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans. To the north, it is bordered by Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; to the……. are Mozambique and Swaziland. Its average ……….. during the day is about 28 ° to 30 ° in……… and 10 ° to 20 ° in winter.
6. Write the phonetic symbols for the consonants in the following words: (1.5pt)
a. country/……………/ b. family/…………../ c. known/……………../

c. Writing (Choose one topic) (4pts)

1. Translate into Arabic from ‘ I live together …’’ to ‘.. the weather will be beautiful’’. ( paragraph 4)
2. Imagine you are Eliza‘s key pal. Write a short reply to her email following the plan below:

a .introduce your self briefly b. Describe your regular activities
c. Introduce your town

2014-01-21, 20:33
come on guys where are you ???????

2014-02-15, 14:46
Thanks for that
English is my favourite ********
I'm in for sure
You guys get to start
Go ahead =)

2014-02-15, 20:26
Thanks for that
English is my favourite ********
I'm in for sure
You guys get to start
Go ahead =)

me too
if you want we can revise together

2014-02-17, 10:54
me too
if you want we can revise together

I'm not on line always so I can be absent mostly =)

2014-02-17, 10:55
Any way.
How ya guys doin'?

نور الجنة
2015-03-01, 20:29

miss manel
2015-03-01, 21:48
متى نبداو نراجعولازم الهمة والنشاط
خاصة والامتحانات على الابواب شكون راه معاي

أماني خروبي
2015-03-01, 21:51
Thank you very much for this excellent suggestion
I hope that a lot of members take part with us
.And if you need any thing
I am Here