المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Announcement: members writings competition

السَّحابة البيضاءْ
2013-06-19, 18:32

Hello dear members and visitors of english forum


Well , holidays have just come and the forum seems very boring and abandoned by members that's why I came up with the idea of organizing a competition in order to have fun and make this section more active


The idea of competition is the following

I will pick 10 topics (maybe more, maybe less) from members writing ; and you have to vote for one of them . the one which you think is more creative ; more meaningful and well written

There will be three winners ; and the reward will be a badge of "special writer" given to the three of them

For the record ; I will not choose the topics randomly ; there will be some rules and conditions

- Chosen topics should be written starting this year; from Jan 1th till now

They should be void of grammar and vocabulary mistakes

They should be meaningful and convey a good message


PS: I will only pick one topic from each member

And Each member can only vote once

I will publish the topics that have been chosen for the competition later

2013-06-19, 20:56
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
may ALLAH bless u sitster
indeed you are right the forum seems boring
so go ahead
and the best will win
we are so thankful for you
and we trust in your choice
thank you again

2013-06-19, 22:29
Thank you for giving us such a great chance

2013-06-20, 10:46
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
I'm sooooooo exited about the contest
and i'm eagerly wating to read everybody's jewls
Let's give it our best
and Let the best win
Thank you sister white cloud for tge efforts
You are appreciated
My regards

Katy Pretty girl
2013-06-20, 11:20
thanks for this wonderfull idea
i will do my best
and i have some topics that i still didn't put them here
so i will do that
in order to particepate to make this section active
thanks for the creative idea

2013-06-20, 12:03
I Already published my new poem :)

2013-06-20, 17:46
Wooooooooooow Till now we got our famous writers here so the contest will be great and enthusiastic such a great one thanks a lot for your effort I was waiting this contest since 2011 I'm super happy about it
But I just got a question do we still have time to post our topics or it's over now?
I wish still there is time

السَّحابة البيضاءْ
2013-06-20, 18:22
Yeah, there is still one week remaining to post topics

so for members who haven't any topics here or those who already have one and want to write other topics, you can all add the topics during this week

2013-06-20, 18:33
oh that's so helpful coz i need extra time to add some information coz i'm looking for references to insert dates and personalities....

السَّحابة البيضاءْ
2013-06-22, 11:21
السلام عليكم

concerning the competition: posting topics end this Wednesday at 00:00

i wish you all good luck

2013-06-22, 15:53
Nchallah... I prepared good topics for this competition :)

2013-06-22, 17:03
Well I'm so sorry I could not reply I hadn't enough points but my best topics which I'm satisfied about them are : on board of dreams' ship , hard life , my blessed earth "Palestine "
It was hard for me to choose because I write all my topics with my deepest feelings .. I hope you would like them
Wll I wish you got the chance to check all my work
Btw I was just thinking of writing a nice poem to "white cloud"

Mr.Samir Bounab
2013-07-11, 11:43

Hello dear members and visitors of english forum


Well , holidays have just come and the forum seems very boring and abandoned by members that's why I came up with the idea of organizing a competition in order to have fun and make this section more active


The idea of competition is the following

I will pick 10 topics (maybe more, maybe less) from members writing ; and you have to vote for one of them . the one which you think is more creative ; more meaningful and well written

There will be three winners ; and the reward will be a badge of "special writer" given to the three of them

For the record ; I will not choose the topics randomly ; there will be some rules and conditions

- Chosen topics should be written starting this year; from Jan 1th till now

They should be void of grammar and vocabulary mistakes

They should be meaningful and convey a good message


PS: I will only pick one topic from each member

And Each member can only vote once

I will publish the topics that have been chosen for the competition later

Salam & Ramadhan Kareem

May Allah bless you for this great idea

I alwaya believe that there are pearls in ouc lovely country and parcticulary in our schools & univerisites

Inchaa Allah we will do all our best to help and go further .

Good Luck