منتديات الجلفة لكل الجزائريين و العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - دقت ساعة الحسم.........0_0
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2015-04-02, 21:35   رقم المشاركة : 33
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honey swifter
عضو مميّز
الصورة الرمزية honey swifter


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المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ~ ساجده لله ~ مشاهدة المشاركة
تفضلي موضوع
اسمي سارة الحقيقي قدس
text : king and queens

the actual queen of england is elizabeth 2 as everybody knows . she has reigned for several years over great britain , northern ireland and the british commenwealth . she was born in 1926 . her husband was not born in england but in greece . they have got two children : prince charles and prince anne . queen elizabeth 's father was george VI . he died in 1952 . the beautifull place where the royal family always lives in london is called buckingham palace . ( from an english book )

part one : reading comprehension
A-read the text and answer these questions
england is a kingdom 1- no it's not

2 -) where was the queen's husband born ? he was born in Greece
3 ) how old is elizabeth ?she is 89 years old

B-what do these words refer to in the text
they :elizabeth and her husband
he :
elizabeth's father

C- lexis
1-) find in the text words that are closest to the meaning of the following :
present =.actual .. named = called
2-) find in the text words that are opposite to the meaning of the following :
wife = .husband never =always

part two : mastery of ********
A- complete these tag questions
1-) elizabeth 2 has reigned for years .......................?
2-) the royal family doesn't live in the white house ...................?

B- classify these verbs to regular verbs and irregular verbs :
to know (irregular)- to reign(regular) - to live(regular) - to tell(irregular) - to **** - to go(ierregular)

part three : written expression
write the biography of famous person that you know or you have already studied about

أهلا حبيبتي سارة
إشتقت لك كثـــــــــــــــــــــــــــيرا
عندي ياسر محكيتش معاك
أتمنى أن تكونِ بخير
شكرا على الموضوع
مزالتلي الوضعية
نرتاح شوية و نرجعلها
و كذلك نحن لم ندرس tag questions

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